In Makó on Thursday, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár said that, if necessary, the border closure may be constructed along the Hungarian-Romanian border between the Hungarian-Serbian-Romanian triple border and Mezőhegyes.

Answering a question at a public forum held in a local primary school, MP for the region János Lázár said that there is a real threat that migrants may arrive at the Hungarian-Romanian border. The Hungarian Defence Force has significant forces stationed in barracks at Hódmezővásárhely, where Czech and Slovak units have also arrived to provide them with assistance. If necessary, they are able to construct the border closure on the section concerned, Mr. Lázár pointed to the audience of some 200 people.

He added that the Government will stop illegal migrants from entering the Makó region. The construction of the border closure and the enhanced border protection along the Serbian-Hungarian, and Croatian-Hungarian border have already proved successful. This year alone, some 400,000 migrants have arrived in Hungary, but since the completion of the border closure, practically nobody has come, Mr. Lázár said.

Mr. Lázár said that there are some EU Member States who effectively send out invitations to migrants; Hungary, however, does not want to accept any migrants at all. “If we spend our money on immigrants, there will be no wage increases”, Minister Lázár said, adding that Hungarians have to support Hungarians: Hungarian families, so that they can raise children; people, so that they can have livelihoods; entrepreneurs, so that they can create jobs.
Mr. Lázár pointed out that one of the most important issues in the coming two years in Hungary will be energy services.

New opportunities for cuts in household utility bills will emerge if gas and electricity services are transferred to state ownership. In one year’s time, 3.5–4 million people will be receiving gas and electricity services from the state, Mr. Lázár said.

(Prime Minister's Office)