“The mistaken migration policy of the Hungarian and European pro-immigration forces and the Brussels bureaucracy are increasing the danger of anti-Semitism”, Minister of State for EU Affairs Szabolcs Takács from the Prime Minister’s Office said in a telephone statement to Hungarian news agency MTI from Brussels on Thursday.

The Minister of State said that at the conference organised in the European Parliament in the spirit of the fight against anti-Semitism, First Vice-president of the European Commission and the top candidate of the pro-immigration European left Frans Timmermans “forgot” to mention with relation to the phenomenon of increasing anti-Semitism in Europe that in addition to anti-Semitism with left and right-wing roots, anti-Semitism related to Islamic radicalism, which has increased as a result of immigration, represents the greatest security threat in Europe today.

“The fact that Timmermans did not highlight this is further proof of the fact that the European left is supporting immigration, and doesn’t even care about the fact that by doing so they are significantly contributing to increasing anti-Semitism, and are undermining Europe’s Christian-Jewish cultural roots”, he said.

“Timmermans also clearly rejected the mentioning of identity, because in his opinion that ‘cannot be used as a political weapon’. This means that the European left doesn’t care about Europe’s identity and future”, the Minister of State underlined.

According to the politician, the same can be seen in Hungary, where “the pro-immigration left is working together with the anti-Semitic and racist-rooted Jobbik party out of election interests”.

“Another example of this unprincipled cooperation is that the other day the joint candidate of the left, Gergely Karácsony, said that compiling lists of Jews is not Nazism”, he added.

“What belongs together has conjoined. Timmermans, the Hungarian left and the Hungarian far right. The common denominator is that they all support immigration. And in the interests of it, nothing is too costly”, Mr. Takács said.

“The pro-immigration forces have joined forces, the members of the Soros list are prepared to do anything for money and power”, he declared. “Because Soros has bought them, and as a result not even racism and anti-Semitism matter anymore”, he added.

“In contrast, the Hungarian Governments that have been in office since 2010 were never motivated by election interests when they stood up for guaranteeing the prosperity and safety of the Jewish community”, he underlined.

“The current Government, which rejects immigration, is the only credible political force in Hungary today that is standing up in defence of the Jewish community and is taking action against anti-Semitism. Although incidents of a mainly verbal nature do still occur in Central Europe, these are vastly overshadowed by the increasingly large number of anti-Semitic atrocities being committed in Western Europe, which are inseparable from Islamic migration”, the Minister of State declared.

Mr. Takács highlighted the fact that as early as 2015, as Chairman of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), he had already experienced the increase in anti-Semitism caused by fundamentalist immigrants, which “the radical left-wing forces are often accomplice to encouraging in Europe”.

“The Hungarian Government regards the peaceful cohabitation of Jews and Christians in Hungary as a value that must be particularly protected; it has issued a policy of zero tolerance against anti-Semitism, has introduced Holocaust Remembrance Day, and has introduced several pieces of new legislation to take action against all forms of anti-Semitism”, the politician listed.

He also pointed out that the statement adopted on 21 December last year by EU heads of state and government at the initiative of the Hungarian Prime Minister calls for the protection of Jewish communities and institutions, and the Hungarian Government is providing 500 million forints (EUR 1.6 million) in funding every year to support the Action and Protection League, which was established to monitor European anti-Semitism.

He also stated that the latest report by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights indicates that Hungary is below the EU average with relation to indices that record various manifestations of anti-Semitism, while most Western European countries, including Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Holland and France, all have worse indices.

“The Jewish community can live in absolute safety in Hungary and can always count on the support and protection of the Government”, the Minister of State added.