Brussels must put an end to the migrant bank card programme as soon as possible, Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at a press conference held on Thursday in Budapest.

He highlighted that it is worrying that terrorists may be given access to migrant bank cards, and it is unacceptable that the EU and the UN contribute to their travel and stay in Europe with funds.

He stressed that the government has information about the actual threat of the migrant caravan. There is no way of knowing whether it will materialise, but if so the Hungarian border protection forces are fully prepared and are able to defend the country.

Mr Gulyás said it is important that Hungary should not fall victim to immigration, but the country would like to help everyone, primarily Christian communities, beyond its international obligations. They have therefore decided to help by supporting two projects in Syria.

He said that within the framework of the Hungary Helps Programme they support the projects of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Syria: they are providing HUF 794 million for the reconstruction of a school and a further HUF 318 million for the renovation of homes and social institutions in Homs. The goal is to create conditions within the shortest possible time which induce people to stay in their native land as instead of bringing trouble to Europe help should be taken to the people concerned, he explained.

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The Minister also said that there is a fundamentally pro-immigration European Commission, and within that a positively pro-immigration commissioner for migration which is unacceptable. In the campaign leading up to the European parliamentary (EP) elections we must fight for a result which conveys the clear message that European and Hungarian people would like an anti-immigration commission, he pointed out.

Regarding Fidesz’s membership of the European People’s Party (EPP), he said the EPP needs Fidesz more than Fidesz needs the EPP. Fidesz would like to stay within the People’s Party, but if the party family makes concessions to pro-immigration forces, the Hungarian government party will not be able to cooperate, he said, repeating at the same time that Fidesz is seeking to normalise relations with the People’s Party.

Commenting on the March EPP meeting which was scheduled to decide on the suspension of Fidesz’s membership, Mr Gulyás said that it was “a meeting falling within the realm of the entertainment industry”. In his view, this debate was very harmful and tragicomic for the People’s Party, but “we had a good time”. A European party family is trying to “shoot itself in the foot” in the EP election campaign by debating whether it is able to impose sanctions on its strongest member organisation or not, he said in evaluation.

He observed that Manfred Weber, the EPP’s lead candidate’s positions regarding some issues keep changing, but he still appears to be the best candidate nonetheless.

Regarding the fact that in a letter he sent to Jean-Claude Juncker earlier he highlighted that it is objectionable that before the EP elections First Vice-President of the Commission Frans Timmermans is campaigning as the lead candidate of the socialists whilst maintaining his office, Mr Gulyás said the President of the Commission argued in reply that Frans Timmermans is able to separate his two different sets of duties. At the same time, facts appear to contradict this, he added.

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In answer to a question concerning defence expenditures, he said NATO and the United States regard the 2 per cent target as important, and Hungary has undertaken to gradually increase its defence expenditures in order to reach this target. At present, Hungary stands at 1.5 per cent. All the allies accepted this, but there are nonetheless bigger and richer countries which ignore the obligations they undertook in relation to their defence expenditures in connection with their NATO membership.

He said the two countries had reached an agreement on Hungarian-US defence cooperation which could be signed within a short time. Hungarian-US relations can be described as friendly once again, but a meeting between the Prime Minister and the US President was never a priority. It could have merely symbolic significance, he said.

The Minister answered in the negative the question as to whether Fidesz has received an invitation to the EP election campaign opener of the Italian government party Lega Nord led by Matteo Salvini which will be held on Monday in Milan. Fidesz is a member of the European People’s Party, and therefore it would have been strange if they had been invited, he added.

He confirmed at the same time that Interior Minister Sándor Pintér invited Matteo Salvini to Hungary, but there is no date yet for the visit.

Mr Gulyás stressed that Hungary doffs its hat before the performance of Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini because he has proved that the borders by sea can also be protected. The government fully agrees with him on the importance of the protection of the external borders regarding the issue of migration, he added.

If in the EP elections electors reinforce Fidesz-KDNP in their policy rejecting immigration and a “United States of Europe”, they may regard it as an invitation to consider which coalition to align themselves with in European politics, he said, dismissing the People’s Party concept relating to entering into coalitions before the elections as misguided.

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The village family housing benefit ‘csok’ will start from 1 July; the government decided on the detailed rules regarding this form of benefit at its latest meeting. According to Mr Gulyás’s information, in total the programme extends to 2,486 settlements with a declining population of less than five thousand, including all remote farms and villages nation-wide.

They expect the village family housing benefit, the Minister said, to help boost the population-retaining capacity of the countryside in order to stop the depopulation of villages.

The maximum amount of the benefit is HUF 600,000 for one child, HUF 2.6 million for 2 children and HUF 10 million for three children. It can be used equally for the purchase of used and new homes. Maximum one half of the grant can be used for purchases, not including new homes.

They also determined the minimum square metre limits, thereby following the general rules of the family housing benefit ‘csok’, while in order to prevent abuses conditions include a minimum one-year continuous insurance relationship – two years in the case of the highest grant amount –, the presentation of a certificate of good conduct, and the stipulation that properties cannot be purchased from close relatives or business associations owned by the applicants themselves. They will monitor actual residence in the properties concerned with the involvement of the local chief clerks.

They will rely on savings cooperatives in the disbursement of the village family housing benefit as priority partners, he added.

He further informed the press that banks cannot require the use of other services in conjunction with the village family housing benefit.

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The head of the Prime Minister’s Office also spoke about the drought situation as an issue that is affecting agriculture most this year, pointing out that due to the recent prolonged period of low rainfall, producers have this year to date filed some 550 drought damage reports for an area of around 24,000 hectares. The agricultural damage alleviation system developed by the Ministry of Agriculture will provide help for farmers, he said, after Minister of Agriculture István Nagy informed the government.

He stressed that the Ministry of Agriculture has made preparations for doing everything it can to alleviate the damage sustained by farmers.

In this context, Mr Gulyás spoke about the extension of the irrigation period, indicating that also in the long run the government would like to support the development of an irrigation system which would permit the minimisation of the impact of weather on the agricultural sector.

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office also informed the press that despite European economic data giving rise to concern, the foundations of the Hungarian economy are stable, and reserves of continued economic growth are also available.

Mr Gulyás said that while the world economy has lost its momentum, and the European economy is particularly sluggish, the Hungarian economy has reserves for growth and so an economic crisis can be avoided; Hungary is strong enough not to be affected. The Hungarian economy is growing dynamically at this point in time, he added.

He told the press that an economic action plan is currently being drawn up. Specific announcements will be made shortly, and there will be programmes which will offer favourable opportunities also for the savings of members of the Hungarian public.

As regards economic policy measures, he said the government should consider whether the situation in the construction industry that the available capacity is insufficient for filling orders, there are delays and the market is saturated calls for any state intervention.

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The Minister informed the press regarding the handball complex to be built in Népliget that they had bought the area in question from foreign-owned business associations for EUR 42 million, while the 9th district municipality will transfer to state ownership another part of the area free of charge.

Regarding the parking scandal in Zugló, in the 14th district of Budapest, he said there is no need to jump to conclusions extending to the entire capital based on this case. In his view, the situation is the worst in Zugló, what is happening there concerning the issue of parking during Gergely Karácsony’s mayorship is inexplicable, and the mayor has now embarked on a communications and political rampage, making false clams. He believes it is necessary to set up an investigative committee to look into the matter.

Mr Gulyás said concerning a case of espionage that from a political point of view the conclusion that the court has arrived at regarding the facts of the case is more important than whether it has found the accused guilty. According to the established facts of the case, during the Gyurcsány government the Russians had practically free access to the secret services, he stated.

The Minister described the sale of the Ferihegy Airport as one of the gravest sins of the socialist government, observing that today it would be very expensive to buy it back. He pointed out that the government is unhappy with the operation of the airport in every respect, as only minimal developments have been carried out. If there is any scope for the relevant authorities to take action, they will do so, he added.

In answer to a question concerning the debt portfolio of hospitals, the Minister pointed out that a significant proportion of debts is repeatedly accumulated by 29 hospitals. In his view, in order to solve the problem it is also necessary to look into the effectiveness of management, in addition to the aspect of legality, and the funding system should likewise be reviewed: wherever a structural deficit emerges, either the scoring system must be adjusted or additional funds must be allocated. He said in response to a question regarding the funds to be allocated for 2020 that the Ministry of Finance will submit the draft of the budget to Parliament by 28 May.

Mr Gulyás described the Slovak regulation restricting the singing of national anthems of foreign countries as unacceptable, stressing that this should be seen as a human rights issue. He then went on to say that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade will take the appropriate steps. He added that it will be necessary to contact European human rights forums.

The date of the press conference being 4 April (the end of Soviet operations in World War II in Hungary), the Minister was asked about the Soviet monument at Szabadság tér. He said in reply that for reasons of international law it is almost impossible to have it removed without Russian consent.

In answer to another question, Mr Gulyás said that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will travel to China in April and will conduct several bilateral talks there.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)