Brussels wants to organise, rather than stop migration, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office stated in Maroslele on Saturday.

János Lázár said at the street forum held in the locality in Csongrád County that the fundamental issue of the referendum is for whom it is to say who should live in the country. The politician who is also the constituency’s Member of Parliament stressed in front of an audience of some fifty that Brussels wants to take away the right from the Hungarians to decide who may enter, stay and settle down in the country.

Anyone who feels responsible for their country and family must attend the referendum, the Minister stressed. He added: he sincerely hopes that the cause will create national unity, and people will not decide on the basis of party preferences, but everyone will make a responsible decision on their own and their children’s future.

The politician said: the country will not change for the better if immigrants come here, if there is forced resettlement. They would cause problems which we would not be able to manage financially and socially as well as from a security point of view, he added.

Summing up the experiences of the more than thirty public forums held in recent weeks, Mr Lázár said: the people are concerned about the implications of forced resettlement. The Minister takes the view that these concerns are not unfounded. According to a recently published Austrian study, it will considerably deteriorate the living standards of locals if they are to provide for a large number of migrants.

The 19 mayors of the constituency – most of whom are independent – agreed that there is no need for resettlement. They asked the 81,000 electors of the region in a joint statement to attend the referendum and to vote no, the politician said.

György Martonosi (Fidesz-KDNP), Mayor of Maroslele said that the nearby Nagyfa refugee centre provoked profound fear in the people in the spring. The localities of the region jointly asked for the closure of the temporary reception centre which took place in May.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)