The Government has adopted a responsible decision on the security fence to be erected along the Hungarian-Serbian green state border, the details of which will be discussed in the next few days, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács said on the current affairs programme of the public service television channel M1.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely BOTÁR/Prime Minister’s OfficeIn answer to the question as to whether a final decision has been adopted regarding the physical site of the four-metre-tall security fence to be installed along the 175-kilometre-long Hungarian-Serbian border, the Government Spokesperson said: the Government has decided that the construction of a security fence is necessary in order to protect the borders of the country and to ward off the “flood of illegal migrants”.

The Government Spokesperson said in response to a question concerning the physical construction of the security fence: a detailed report will be presented at the cabinet meeting to be held next week regarding the schedule of implementation, and the designation and survey of the site already began on Thursday.

Mr Kovács added at the same time: as to what will happen in the next few days on the European scene, also with reference to the crisis in Greece, and what will happen at the joint Serbian-Hungarian government meeting to be held on 1 July are matters that “the future holds”.

Regarding the statement made by János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office on Thursday in which he described the Curia’s decision on László Magyar’s actual life imprisonment without the possibility of parole as untenable, the Government Spokesperson said: representatives of politics rarely make open manifestations regarding the operation of another branch of power, but there are cases which “transcend” one’s sense of justice, and the Government holds that there is law and order and the judiciary functions well if the judgements of the court coincide with society’s sense of justice in these cases.

The Curia dispensed in its judgement with the provision relating to actual imprisonment without the possibility of parole in the case of a convicted criminal on Thursday due to an earlier decision of the Strasbourg European Court of Human Rights.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)