We were deeply shocked to learn about the anti-Christian Islamist terrorist attack in Burkina Faso in which 24 innocent people, including a pastor were killed by armed Jihadist terrorists in a church.

The Government of Hungary firmly condemns this barbaric act. At the same time, we wish to reassure relatives of the victims of our sympathy.

We are observing with concern that in the West African country the persecution of Christians is an ever-growing phenomenon as the Hungarian government delegation led by Minister of State Tristan Azbej saw for themselves on the ground last December.

The Hungarian government recognised the fact that Christianity is the world’s most persecuted religion; compared with last year, 15 million more – in total, more than 260 million – Christians suffer persecution due to their faith. In response to this, in 2016 we were the first in the world to set up a government unit responsible for helping persecuted Christians with which, in 3 years, we have made it possible for 70,000 Christians in trouble to stay in or to return to their native land through the Hungary Helps Programme.

We continue to stand for Burkina Faso’s persecuted Christian communities. Our basic tenet is that help must be taken where there are problems, rather than bringing problems here. In the spirit of this, we will not abandon them, and will continue to seek ways to help those who are in trouble in the most effective possible way.