The case of the construction of the atomic power station is about to enter a new phase. The Prime Minister requested János Süli, Mayor of Paks to coordinate the prospective commissioning of the facility and the development of the region, János Lázár said on Thursday in Paks after he attended the meeting of the Paks Social Council comprised of the mayors of the region’s forty-one localities.

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said that the documents relating to János Süli’s appointment may be signed within days, and the oath-taking ceremony is planned to take place on 2 May. As Mr Süli is at present the Mayor of Paks, by-elections will have to be held, he indicated.

Mr Lázár also announced that one and a half billion forints will be allocated for the development of the region this year, from which – similar to earlier years – localities in the vicinity may apply for funds through the call for proposals of the Energy of Our Future Regional Development Foundation.

The Minister stressed: the goal of the Government is to ensure that the atomic power station should continue to supply 50 per cent of the country’s electricity consumption also in the future, while the rest would be supplied from renewable resources, primarily solar energy. The purpose of the atomic power station is to guarantee cheap electricity for the population and the Hungarian economy, he pointed out. In his words, the construction of the atomic power station is a pan-national cause which must stand above party interests and disputes. This is also testified to by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s decision regarding the ministerial position as János Süli is an excellent expert who enjoys the trust of the people of Paks, he added. He said: it is a great opportunity equally for Paks, the region and the energy sector that the Government will be joined by a reputable expert.

This will be a state atomic power station which will be operated by Hungarians, Mr Lázár stated. According to ministerial candidate János Süli, the enlargement of the atomic power station is more important than that debates should hinder its progress.

The expert was elected Mayor of Paks in 2014 against the candidate of Fidesz with a 78 per cent majority. Shortly thereafter, he signed a cooperation agreement with the local organisation of the party, and under his leadership the Town of Paks set out to continue in the spirit of cooperation. The town leader took the view that they have been able to cooperate with Mr Lázár most effectively in the past two years. Major progress has been made in the context of regional development as well, thanks to the assistance of the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office.

Mr Süli reiterated that he worked at the atomic power station for thirty-one years. "I would always have liked to walk on the site in rubber boots one more time. This is an enormous job, but it will also be an enormous experience", he said with reference to his proposed ministerial mandate.

He said it is important that he should enjoy the trust of the population – which he experienced during the 2014 elections – also in the capacity of Minister. It is likewise important that a competent person should lead Paks in the future as well, he said, adding: during the course of their collaboration, he managed to ascertain that Péter Szabó (Fidesz), who worked with him as Deputy Mayor, is suitable for the job.

Mr Süli said that he will continue to rely on the expertise of Attila Aszódi, who has successfully headed the preparations for the enlargement of the power station as Government Commissioner so far.

Mr Aszódi highlighted that the necessary contracts have been concluded as part of the responsibilities entrusted to him, they have successfully negotiated with the Russian party and the European Commission, and the project has been awarded an environmental licence at first instance and a site licence. The next major step will be the obtaining of planning permission, he indicated.