“Croatia will fill the post of President of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2020, which is also favourable because the position will once again be filled by a neighbouring country that is committed to the continuation of enlargement policy”, Minister of State for the Development and Coordination of EU Policies Szabolcs Takács from the Prime Minister’s Office said in a telephone statement to Hungarian news agency MTI.

Mr. Takács held talks with Croatian Secretary for EU Affairs Andreja Metelko-Zgombić on the future of Europe and opportunities for Hungarian-Croatian cooperation with relation to EU affairs.

“Hungary is glad to provide all assistance and share all experience to enable Croatia to fulfil its presidential duties without complications”, he stated.

“In view of their geographical position, both Hungary and Croatia are strongly affected by migration processes, and accordingly it is important to both countries that the 2018 council conclusions of the council of EU heads of state and government are implemented, which means the continuation of cooperation with the Western Balkans and the consistent implementation of the EU-Turkey agreement”, the Minister of State highlighted.

“The Brussels pro-immigration bureaucracy is trying to hide the extent of the problems caused by migration, but these processes continue to exist along the Western Balkan migration route, and accordingly continued close cooperation is needed with relation to these issues in the upcoming period”, he stated.

With relation to the EU’s upcoming seven-year multiannual financial framework, Mr. Takács told the press that he and his negotiating partner had agreed that the EU requires suitable funding despite the exit of Great Britain. He said that in his opinion: “The European Commission’s budget proposal mirrors the political philosophy that the body represents with relation to all issues”. “The Commission’s pro-immigration commitment can be seen in the document, as well as the fact that the Commission is using the budget as a political weapon to punish certain member states”, he added.

The Minister of State said he has asked his Croatian negotiating partner that the two countries work in cooperation to enforce their common interests during the Croatian Presidency, once the new EU institutions have been formed following the upcoming elections.