Hungary disbursed EU funds worth HUF 1,364 billion up to 31 October 2014, which represents 93 per cent of the pro rata plan, Nándor Csepreghy, Deputy State Secretary for Development Policy Communication at the Prime Minister’s Office announced.

The Deputy State Secretary highlighted that, based on experiences, more than one half of the annual disbursements is realised in the last two months of the year, and there is therefore a good chance that Hungary may once again break a record in the disbursement of EU funds. Annual payments have been going to plan since 2010 as part of the responsibilities of the Government; Hungary has not forfeited EU funds. He said that by regional comparison, Hungary is second only to Poland in the ranking of payments.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár

EU funds totalling HUF 1,708 billion (EUR 5.53 billion) were disbursed last year, the Deputy State Secretary reiterated, adding that Hungary is expected to submit the operational programmes related to the utilisation of the funds available during the 2014-2020 multiannual fiscal period to the European Commission in the second half of November.

The Government will debate the draft operational programmes of the ministries concerned awaiting finalisation at its meeting to be held on Wednesday. The fourth round of social consultations regarding all operational programmes will begin on 7 November; Hungary will submit the finalised programmes in the wake of the consultations, and may thereby be the first to do so among EU Member States, the Deputy State Secretary added.

In answer to a question, Nándor Csepreghy said that consultations with the European Commission regarding major projects are ongoing, and the Government is planning to submit the additionally necessary major projects in the second half of November to avoid any loss of funding. The Cabinet adheres to its original objectives, and will submit its plans for all major projects it has undertaken, the Deputy State Secretary said.

(Prime Minister's Office)