The decision adopted by the European Court in the quota lawsuit seeks to favour Brussels over the Member States, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 97 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

According to the Minister, the court ruling conveys the message that people in Brussels are free to decide who should live in Hungary. The Hungarian Government, however, finds that the most important question of independence is that the Hungarian people should have the authority to decide who may reside in their country, he said, adding: „if we give up on this, we give up on an important chunk of our sovereignty”. Mr Lázár said: the Government will resort to all available legal means in order to preserve the country’s independence as this is what they received a mandate for from the electorate. The head of the Prime Minister’s Office also pointed out that, in contrast to other Member States, the Government stated its case in a straightforward manner and „did not play sly games” as it pointed out at the very beginning of the quota issue that it is the right of the Hungarian people to decide who may live here.

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Quotas cannot be taken seriously due to double standards

The Member States of the EU took in a mere 27 per cent of the total number of people to be relocated under the „Brussels dictate”, the quota decision, and the deadline will expire in a few days’ time, on 26 September, the politician drew attention to the fact, stating in summary that while the European Court resorts to a dictate in relation to Hungary, other Member States which likewise fail to observe the quota decision are not subjected to sanctions of any kind. In his view, the quotas cannot be taken seriously due to these double standards, the whole thing is a mere farce which has nothing to do with solidarity, it is only about the fact that Brussels believes that it can dictate to the Member States.

He remarked that Germany has fulfilled less than 28 per cent of its share of the quota, and he therefore warned German critics „to exercise more modesty and restraint”.

In answer to a question, the Minister also spoke about the infringement procedure instituted against Hungary in the quota case, indicating that in the absence of an agreement, that, too, may be referred to the European Court as the Government will exercise its right of appeal. There the question will surely arise as to why other Member States themselves failed to implement the quota decision, he added. „We’ll continue fighting as long as we can”, he stated.

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Issue of immigration cannot be tied to Cohesion Funds

The Hungarian Government is unable to identify with the fact that the European Commission „mixes” the fate of the Cohesion Funds serving economic development purposes with the issue of immigration, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said.

Mr Lázár said this in connection with the letter sent by Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission in response to the fact that the Hungarian Government requested a contribution from the EU to its expenses amounting to HUF 270 billion which serve to protect the Schengen borders. Mr Lázár pointed out: the Cabinet is ready to engage in talks, and is expecting the Commission’s proposal.

In his view, the EU makes every effort to protect the rights of illegal immigrants, but does nothing in the interest of the protection of the borders. The Commission should not only oversee the fulfilment of the obligations related to immigration, but should also take the security of the EU’s citizens into consideration, the Minister said.

Regarding the Cohesion Funds, he stated: the countries concerned only received a part of the funds as a considerable proportion of the money goes back to the issuer Member States. He cited as an example a statement made by one of the Commissioners, based on which 80 per cent of the funds sent here goes back to Germany. This money has nothing to do with the issue of immigration, he pointed out.

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Hungary does not wish to be part of the German election campaign

He said regarding the critical statements made by Angela Merkel about Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: Hungary does not wish to be part of the German election campaign. Germany is a strategic ally for Hungary both economically and politically, and both Fidesz and Hungary have a vested interest in Merkel winning a landslide victory in the elections, he added.

Mr Lázár also informed the press that the delegation of the Budgetary Control Committee led by German People’s Party Member of the European Parliament Ingeborg Grassle will pay a visit to Hungary between 18-20 September in order to view a few projects implemented from EU funds. According to the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, the programme of the audit is primarily about Mr Orbán’s person as the delegation wishes to inspect projects associated by the opposition press with the Prime Minister, such as the Felcsút narrow-gauge railway. There is naturally no obstacle to this, but there would be more pressing matters to be reviewed. He also said that there is no chance of an impartial investigation as Ingeborg Grassle posted messages on Facebook such as that Mr Orbán gets on her nerves. He said: it is the petty part of a political campaign that they seek to inspect the Felcsút narrow-gauge railway out of all projects, and the reason being, in his view, that that is where the Prime Minister lives. This is, he said, political discrimination. As part of the information he provided regarding the Felcsút narrow-gauge railway, he said: 40,019 tickets were sold in one year as of mid-June 2016, ticket sales revenues amounted to HUF 17.2 million, which meant that the prior undertakings had been fulfilled.

A more difficult period is about to set in in relations between Romania and Hungary, he said in the context of the Marosvásárhely school affair, reiterating: Hungary is compelled to revoke its earlier promise to support Romania’s OECD membership until the resolution of the situation.

He said concerning the education law passed by the Kiev Parliament which also frustrates the usage of the Hungarian language: there is an ongoing political attack in order to frustrate the minority existence of the Hungarian community which the Hungarian Government finds shocking.

In answer to a question regarding the referendum initiated in the interest of the introduction of the euro, the Minister took the view: there is no need for a referendum on the matter as the stipulations of the Treaties of the EU are clear on this issue.

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The Minister was asked a question about the issue raised by Ákos Hadházy, Co-President of LMP, based on which a foundation assisting the families of prematurely born babies – in which Mr Lázár’s wife is a member of the Board of Trustees – has been awarded HUF 1.2 billion from EU grants which is being used, according to the opposition Member of Parliament, in a questionable manner.

In his answer, Mr Lázár said: the main question is – with reference to the title of the opposition press conference – what this has to do with Flórián Farkas. In his view, this has „the flavour of calling in the Gypsy card”, and he pointed out that this may have something to do with the fact that campaign strategist Ron Werber has emerged at LMP.

He said: the Foundation was awarded grants in a call for proposals invited by the Ministry of Human Capacities, from which a mere HUF 21 million has been spent so far, and he therefore called Ákos Hadházy’s claim absurd. He continued: he believes it is a relevant question as to whether his wife’s role may constitute a conflict of interest, but in his view, based on the same analogy, no one should be allowed to win calls for proposals in Hódmezővásárhely because that is where he lives.

In the context of the case, the Minister offered both the investigation of the Government Control Office and his wife’s resignation from the Foundation. He also said: the Foundation offered to receive the politician of LMP and to answer his questions in person.

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The Prime Minister decides who should be a member of the Government, he said in answer to the question as to whether he would support the appointment of Lajos Kósa to minister. In his view, based on his performance to date, Mr Kósa is well-suited to being given a job in the Government, whether now or later in the future, he added.

In answer to a question concerning planned lay-offs at state-owned companies mentioned earlier, he said: six months before the elections, the Government is not in the position to engage in major structural changes, for instance, in the transport sector.

„The Szeged Jewish community and Mazsihisz held an enormous anti-government campaign together with Mayor László Botka”, „the community organised a pro-Botka political event” upon the inauguration of the refurbished synagogue in Szeged, he said. In answer to a question, he added: the renovation of the facade was something that Szeged was entitled to, and the Government expects no gratitude in return.

Regarding the expected Tesco strike, he said: in his view, the Tesco trade unions and workers are right on a great many issues against their employer. If it was up to him, he said, the so-called retail package would enter „a new phase”, but he does not believe that it will materialise as a bill, given that it does not have the required majority in the Fidesz parliamentary group and in the Government.

In answer to an enquiry to the effect that, according to Antal Rogán, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, the Soros network may provoke disturbances in Hungary in the autumn, Mr Lázár said: several countries have György Soros to thank for national bankruptcies and waves of demonstrations culminating in disturbances. He added: he sincerely hopes that nothing like this will happen in Hungary.

(Prime Minister’s Office)