If the quota referendum proves to be valid and successful, the Government may even propose the amendment of the Fundamental Law and the European legal frameworks, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 63 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

In answer to a question, the Minister highlighted: Northern-European countries have requested the European Commission to institute infringement proceedings, and to potentially impose coercive measures and a fine on Hungary because it refuses to take back immigrants. There are 30 to 50 thousand people in question whom we should provide care and accommodation for because Greece would not take them back, he pointed out.

Other countries, such as Austria and Germany, are patient for the time being because they know that these people did not first enter the territory of the EU here, he said.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

Mr Lázár stressed: Hungary is likely to find itself under great pressure in the near future, and this is why it is necessary that the outcome of the referendum should reflect a clear position. He took the view that the European Commission wants to create law and politics in Europe without any kind of democratic legitimacy and authorisation, and those who do not comply with its law and politics are punished. We may expect a rise in the number of disputes with the Commission in the period ahead because the officials of the Brussels body continually level informal threats against Hungary on account of the referendum, he said. He added: the Commission officials do not apply a fair procedure in the case of those who dare to contradict them.

The Minister believes that the question regarding the referendum is whether the electors will forge a national unity which will be unavoidable in Brussels, and which will point far beyond party preferences. The referendum is not about the Government, but about everyone’s own lives, and about whom we want to and will live together with, he explained. He added: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would turn the wheel of time back, but this is not possible. The only solution is to relocate the refugees who are already here to outside the EU.

The Minister highlighted: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will not be able to stop the introduction of the mandatory quotas without the referendum. At the same time, Mr Lázár cautioned everyone against underestimating the strength of a referendum, as he said: if the people agree on something regardless of party preferences, it has its weight and strength, or else „we shall be weak in Brussels”.

Hungary is one of the countries showing most solidarity in Europe

Mr Lázár also spoke about the fact that Hungary is one of the countries showing the most solidarity in Europe as it protects the borders of the EU, and does so without EU grants. By contrast, the European Commission has not had a single clear and unambiguous sentence about the protection of the borders for a year and a half, and has not done anything towards this goal either, he said.

Mr Lázár reiterated: at the EU summit held last week in Bratislava, no breakthrough result was achieved with respect to the alteration of Brussels’ immigration policy. A meeting will be held on Saturday in Vienna with the attendance of representatives of the countries lying on the Balkans route, and Hungary will make another attempt there to exert some influence over this EU policy. At the same time, according to the Commission, the introduction of the quotas is going ahead, and while this process is slower than planned, the European Parliament will soon begin the debate on the relevant legislative package, he told the press.

The Minister pointed out: two countries play key roles: Greece which fails to comply with and sabotages the Schengen regulations without EU sanctions, and Germany which exerts an ongoing suction effect in the absence of an upper limit on the number of those admitted. Until these two countries change their respective policies, we may expect a continuous rise in tensions on the Balkans route, he said.

He took the view that sealing the Balkans route is in the best interests of all the countries attending the Vienna meeting. If Greece fails to observe the EU regulations and this has no consequences at all, the roles of Bulgaria and Macedonia may increase, he explained.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

It is the duty of the Government to inform citizens of reality

Regarding the no-go zones of large European cities, Mr Lázár said: the government flyers are about reality. It is the duty of the Government to inform citizens of reality. It is not their intention to insult any of their partners, but electors want to see things clearly. They understand all the secrecy and the concealment of the facts, but this is reality, this is the truth. Berlin, Brussels, Paris and London, too, have districts which most citizens are advised to avoid at night, he said.

The Minister also said that there is ongoing consultation and communication with the Austrian Government, and as Austria is at the end of its burden-bearing capacity, it is good news for them that the Hungarian fence is able to stop those who go to Austria through Hungary. At the same time, we must insist on ensuring that Hungarian workers who go over to Austria daily to work should not suffer any disadvantage because of the measures implemented by Austria, as this likewise does not favour the Austrian economy. Austria maintains that its measures are not aimed against Hungary, or Hungarian workers, he added.

Mr Lázár said it is an utter lie that the Hungarian police are violent with the migrants at the Hungarian-Serbian border. „It is not members of the Hungarian police that are violent, but the illegal immigrants who attacked the fence and Keleti Railway Station, and occupied the M1 motorway last year”, he said.

The Minister said: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó is attending the migration summit in New York where he will submit Hungary’s six-point proposal. Based on this, the management of the causes of immigration is the most important, among others. 30 to 35 million people are awaiting in the vicinity of Europe to head for the continent. They must not be inspired to entertain vain hopes, and to set out believing in them. It is important that it is the fundamental duty of every country to protect its citizens, rather than to let anyone in. The western world must realise that the forceful exportation of democracy to North-Africa and the Middle-East causes more harm than good, he said upon outlining the proposal.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

Opportunities after upgrade

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán asked Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga to table a proposal regarding the possible consequences of the upgrading last week of Hungary’s sovereign debtor rating by the rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) by looking into the possibilities afforded by the government bond market by December, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said.

The upgrade is not just something symbolic, but it also has practical implications, Mr Lázár stressed, adding: while Hungary had a non-investment grade, it was compelled to resort to a number of tools the use of which can now be reviewed.

The upgrade, he said, will represent a new chapter in government securities trading and the financing of the State, and the Government is planning major changes on the market of government bonds. In answer to the question of whether the idea of re-entering the market of foreign currency bonds could also emerge, Mr Lázár said: all options must be considered.

He also remarked that this will further permit a review of the institutional regime related to the settlement bonds. He told the press in answer to a question that some 2,800 individuals had been granted settlement permits after the purchase of bonds by mid-September.

Regarding the economy boosting package of the Minister for National Economy, they will consult with social partners some time in November-December as to how the Government could support the economy even further in 2017-2018. This may be a longer debate as the issues in question are of the utmost significance which determine the next two years, he said.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

Meetings of the Economic and Strategic Cabinets

Mr Lázár also informed the press about the meetings of the Strategic and Economic Cabinets. Regarding the agenda of the former, he said: they approved the report relating to the current status of the enlargement of the Paks power station, decided to present to Parliament the Government’s proposal related to the closure of the land auctions, and also agreed that the Government will treat the issues of retail, consumer protection, and the quality of foodstuffs distributed in Hungary, in particular foreign products, and their impact on health care indicators as particular priorities in the autumn.

They will further propose the introduction of an extradition agreement between Hungary and Thailand, will initiate a raise in the pay of government officials to the pay level of those working in the district offices as of 1 January, the construction of the section of the M30 motorway between Miskolc and Tornyosnémeti – a section of 58 kilometres from an allocation of HUF 207 million – will begin, and the precise location of the super-hospital in South Buda will be designated before the end of this year, he listed the topics.

They also discussed church affairs: similar to the renewed Vatican Treaty, the Government will start talks on cooperation with the representatives of the Reformed Church under the guidance of Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén, and with the involvement of Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog and Justice Minister László Trócsányi. Additionally, the Government is expected to adopt a decision by mid-October regarding the state development grants that churches which also perform educational and social functions – such as the Catholic Church and the Reformed Church – may be eligible for in the next year and a half, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office said.

The Strategic Cabinet further discussed that the Government is ready to provide a generous grant for the Semmelweis University so that the institution may join the ranks of the top 100 medical universities in the world. The Government will decide on the designation of the new location of the National Institute for Sports Health Care at its meeting to be held on 5 October, he informed the press.

Upon speaking about the meeting of the Economic Cabinet, Mr Lázár said: the Government will ask Parliament to state its position regarding the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada, whether it would support its signing or not.

A decision has further been adopted on the use of open-source software in the public sector in the future.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

Hungary has good chance of hosting Olympics in 2024

Regarding the news that the court refused the petition filed due to the fact that the painting Calvary by Mihály Munkácsy has been declared a protected work of art, Mr Lázár said: the painting cannot be removed from the country, and this will reduce the owner Imre Pákh’s „scope for blackmail”, and will at the same time improve the Hungarian Government’s negotiating position.

Concerning the remuneration of Paralympic athletes, he said: it was determined on the basis of the recommendation of professional organisations. If these organisations have a new proposal, the Government is ready to discuss it, he added.

In response to the fact that Rome is in the process of withdrawing its bid to host the 2024 Olympic Games, he said: he sees it wise to be cautious upon considering the odds, but Hungary’s chances will most definitely improve as a result, and we may embark upon our bid as one of the favourites.

In answer to a question, he also informed the press that the Government will discuss the development concepts of Sopron, Lake Fertő and the surrounding region, and Balaton within two weeks. Regarding the former, he said: the tourism development to be implemented will rival Burgenland quality.

The Minister said in reply to a question concerning the tightening of the regulations relating to the installation of wind turbines: there are major state-level legislative processes ongoing also in Germany in the interest of curbing wind turbines, and additionally, the greens, too, protest against these structures. The contemplated Hungarian legal rule is „cautious”, he said, as the impact of wind turbines on wildlife is unclear as yet. Therefore, no such installations would be permitted, for instance, in residential areas, the protective zones that surround residential areas, and in nature conservation areas. The Minister answered in the negative the proposition that with the tightening of the rules, they seek to improve the position of the new Paks atomic power station.

In answer to a question relating to the contribution of Flórián Farkas, special commissioner appointed by the Prime Minister, he said: the Government continues to rely on the politician’s professional contribution, and it is his responsibility to stand his ground in the various investigations. The Government is not planning to let go of his hand; „we hope that he is not going to fall”, he said.