The five points of the family protection action plan promised for this year will take effect on 1 July, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office confirmed.

Regarding the dispute with Brussels on the issue, the Minister said, as customary, they contacted Brussels – as they did in the case of the family housing benefit ‘csok’ – and requested a preliminary comfort letter. However, they have not received one, and the threat of proceedings to be instituted by the European Commission’s bureaucracy due to prohibited state aid emerged.

Later, however, he continued, the government received a verbal guarantee that the European Commission will not institute proceedings due to the baby expecting credit facility.

The politician observed that given that the problem of prohibited state aid did not emerge in connection with the migrant bank cards, it is only fair that the baby expecting support should likewise not fall into that category.

Mr Gulyás was asked about reports that Facebook has banned the advertising accounts of the newspapers and news portals published by Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. Regarding this, he said the government advocates freedom of speech and opinion, and they are not happy that the suspicion of censorship emerges ever more frequently in connection with the social media outlet in question. He described what happened as unacceptable, and as a violation of the rule of law. “We would like to see the enforcement of freedom of speech – instead of the censorship we have recently experienced – also at Facebook,” he said, adding that it would be desirable if Facebook did not seek to withdraw itself from under the effect of international regulations.

The Minister said commenting on statements made by Speaker of the House László Kövér in connection with paedophilia and homosexuality the previous day that Hungarian law clearly lays down that same-sex couples are not allowed to adopt children, and marriage can only be contracted by a man and a woman. “Every child has the right to a mother and a father, and we believe it is not right for a child to have to grow up with two fathers,” he said.

In answer to another question, he said the government will discuss Minister for Innovation and Technology László Palkovics’s proposal regarding the Academy’s research network at its next meeting.

Regarding reports that, according to DK list leader Klára Dobrev, independent EU bodies should assess and distribute the EU funds Hungary is eligible for, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office said this shows that also to date there have been Hungarian Members of the European Parliament who represent Brussels in Hungary. However, as a result of the elections, the government would like to have as many MEPs as possible who represent Hungarian interests in Brussels.

In response to another question, Mr Gulyás said delegates to the National Election Committee who refused to suspend the immunity of Csaba Czeglédy – who stands accused of VAT fraud to the value of six billion forints – should resign with immediate effect.

The Minister also said he believes it gives rise to concern that the operation of the parking system in Zugló causes a daily loss of one million forints, but he would not penalise other parts of the city because one district mayor is unable to maintain profitable operations in his district.

Regarding the defence and tradition preserving activities of Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Country Movement), he pointed out that the state has a monopoly on violence, and this will remain the case also in the future.

In response to reports that a professor at the CEU made an unacceptable comment in connection with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the Minister said “we have an opinion, but the problem is that the CEU does not,” which clearly shows that the institution identifies with this person’s statement. The government finds this shameful form of incitement to hatred unacceptable, he said.

Mr Gulyás said in connection with the International Investment Bank that, in the case of financial institutions, Hungary follows the standard international practice relating to investment banks, and several Central European states are the majority owners of the bank.

Regarding the case of H. Ahmed accused of acts of terrorism, he said there are ongoing talks with several countries, and until these yield a tangible result, the man will remain in custody. As he is a national of Cyprus, they contacted Cyprus in order for them to take him back, and they also contacted Germany because his family are there, he added.

Hungarian GDP growth is highest in Europe

Mr Gulyás informed the press that the expansion of the Hungarian economy in the first quarter was the highest among EU Member States at 5.3 per cent which gives rise to optimism. In his view, Hungary has managed to prove that the slowing down of the German economy’s expansion does not necessarily have a direct impact on the Hungarian economy.

He indicated at the same time that the government is aware of the threats posed by the slowing down of economic growth in Western Europe. Therefore, as expected, within two weeks the cabinet will adopt a decision on an action plan for the protection of the economy. He and Finance Minister Mihály Varga will inform the press about this plan at the next Governmentinfo press conference.

The Minister also spoke about the continuation of the pay rise programmes, stressing at the same time that a disciplined, conservative fiscal policy is the pledge of the country’s economic successes, meaning that the government can only move within the boundaries afforded by the economy’s performance.

In answer to a question, he said the first quarterly growth data is promising from the respect that it will be possible to maintain the government’s growth projection for the year.

In answer to another question, he informed the press that, according to BMW’s information, the decline in the German automotive industry will not in any way affect the company’s investment in Debrecen.