The Government decided that four major health care centres are required in Budapest, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced at the press conference Governmentinfo 53 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

The Minister highlighted: a final decision has been adopted with respect to the reinforcement of the Defence Hospital in the North, in South-Pest the united Szent István and Szent László Hospitals will provide health care services, and in South-Buda a new, 21st century super-hospital will be built in Kelenföld. At the same time, a new hospital may be built in North-Buda during a later phase of development, he added.

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Mr Lázár also said that the Government supports the development of the Kútvölgyi Hospital where a sports care centre will be created, and the Szent János Hospital will not be converted into a super-hospital.

“We do not want to close hospitals”, he said in answer to a question. As he said, the closure of the Péterfy Sándor utca hospital was not on the agenda of any government meeting, while the building portfolio of the Szent János Hospital represents an enormous financial challenge. As, however, the Kútvölgyi Hospital where major developments have been implemented is nearby, some of the patients will have to be redirected there, while a part of the services will be retained by the Szent János Hospital. Patients will be better off as a result of this arrangement as, instead of a dilapidated hospital, they will be able to use the services of a refurbished medical institution, he said.

The Minister remarked: the Government has approved the installation of chancellors in hospitals, based on the model of universities.

He reiterated: as part of the Healthy Hungary Programme, some HUF 500 billion has been spent on the refurbishment of hospitals in recent years, and there have been developments in every provincial hospital. As physicians and health care workers constitute the backbone of health care, they have agreed on the settlement of their pay. This is an important step as Hungarian physicians should be better appreciated financially, he pointed out.

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Mr Lázár took the view that the most important message of the programme is related to healthy lifestyles, and therefore in September they will launch a new health care programme which will have an impact on the lives of every Hungarian. As part of the programme, they intend to create multi-functional sports grounds on every estate so that people can spend their free time in a useful and sensible manner, he said.

Mr Lázár further said that Hungarian medical universities are world-class, and basic medical training is well above the international average. The Semmelweis University is the flagship institution of medical training, with which the Government seeks to forge an alliance: the Cabinet is ready to provide all the conditions which are necessary for raising the university to the level of the world’s best medical training institutions. For the purposes of this ambitious undertaking, they intend to request a comprehensive development plan from the university, he said.

In answer to a question as to whether the new super-hospital to be built in Újbuda will affect transport developments in the Kelenföld area, the Minister said: each aspect will reinforce the other as a new institution with some 800 beds will be built with parking capacity in the transport hub which also offers a metro connection.

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There is a difference in principles between Hungary and EC

Mr Lázár said: based on the proposal of the European Commission, one has reason to presume that they are making preparations for organising immigration, while Hungary is fundamentally opposed to immigration and is in favour of supporting families. Accordingly, this is what it recommends to its allies as well because this is the correct response to many European problems. In his view, this difference is unbridgeable.

He found it important that the European Commission respects the aspects of the Hungarian proposal relating to the protection of the borders, but pointed out that the Commission’s proposal makes no mention of the fact that migrants must be stopped at the Schengen borders and that the European countries which do need immigrants should be able to select from among them.

The Minister found the Austrian Foreign Minister’s proposal to a similar effect remarkable, and highlighted: he sincerely hopes that citizens will confirm the Hungarian position at the quota referendum.

He further reported that the Government will deal with the problems of reception centres on Friday, and will also consider the establishment of a transit zone in the region of Ásotthalom. Mr Lázár repeatedly took the view that there is no need for camps in Hungary, and the goal of the Government is to close them.

He also informed the press that last year out of the 177,000 migrants registered in Hungary, 3 to 4,000 people submitted asylum requests. “The others left the country. I do not wish to offend anyone, but 3 or 4,000 people had genuine problems deserving consideration”, he said, adding: the majority left for other destinations in the hope of welfare and high social benefits.

Regarding those who stayed, he said: after fair and honest procedures, the State helps hundreds of people on a regular basis, and 15 to 20 per cent of the applicants receive protected status.

An Algerian man attacked an armed guard in Kiskunhalas

Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács announced at the press conference: another incident occurred on Thursday in Kiskunhalas. An Algerian man resisted the police when they tried to present him for a hearing, and the 27-year-old man attacked an armed guard. He stressed: the laws of Hungary and the EU apply to everyone, and those who are in Kiskunhalas have already done something that is contrary to these laws: for instance, they crossed the border illegally.

This incident, too, amply demonstrates the problems which we must face in the whole of Europe, including Hungary, Mr Kovács added.

In answer to a question, Mr Lázár remarked in connection with the American ban on entry scandal: this issue is not on the agenda at present. The Government is seeking to establish good cooperation with the US Administration, and it is in its best interest to clarify every detail of the case.

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Parliament may decide on allocation of proceeds of land auctions

According to Mr Lázár’s information, the Government is preparing a bill regarding the allocation and use of the proceeds of the land auctions. Parliament may decide on the proposed bill in September.

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said: the last round of land auctions is currently taking place, and the Government is expecting revenues in the magnitude of HUF 250 to 300 billion from the sales.

There are several proposals as to how the proceeds should be used. According to one of them, industrial parks should be created, another proposes that the proceeds should be used for debt reduction, while yet another suggests that the money should be used for financing health care programmes and building hospitals, he explained.

As he said, the Government believes that Parliament should conduct a debate on this which may begin in September.

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Museum of Applied Arts will be refurbished

In answer to a question regarding metropolitan railway stations, he said that the Government intends to discuss this issue in the presence of the Mayor of Budapest. There are ongoing consultations as to when the Mayor is able to attend a cabinet meeting. This is one of the issues which the Prime Minister would like to settle during the summer months, he said.

Mr Lázár also told the press that the Government will close the open questions of the bus manufacturing strategy on Friday. In response to an enquiry as to how this will be affected by the Budapest procurement, he said: it will not fail entirely if the capital decides otherwise, but it will be affected.

The Minister also announced at the press conference that the Government has decided on the refurbishment of the Museum of Applied Arts: HUF 25 billion has been allocated for the purpose, and in addition to the renovation of the present building, they will also build a new wing on the basis of the original plans dating from 120 years ago.

They also decided that the main building of the National Széchenyi Library will remain in the Buda Castle, and a new warehouse base will be built outside the city.

The Minister further told the press that if the Hungarian National Museum has development concepts, the Government is ready to support the expansion of the institution in the vacant state-owned palaces in the nearby Palace Quarter.

The Minister reported that during the course of the summer and autumn, the reform of the country’s geographical information system will begin, the real estate registration system will be modernised from an allocation of HUF 50 billion, and some HUF 70 billion has been allocated for reinforcing the IT support of government offices. Everyone will have free access to certain infrastructure and base maps, he said.

Mr Lázár announced: the Government will present to Parliament a new proposal regarding military care services as well. Based on international examples, the entire system will have to be revised as, based on experiences, this issue concerns far more people than they previously thought, and the State misgauged its significance. Regrettably, this topic has been removed from the realm of public speech in recent years, despite the fact that the reorganisation of military care services must be dealt with, he said.

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The Minister announced: a decision has also been made regarding the reorganisation of the Klebelsberg Institution Maintenance Centre, and Mrs Pölöskei Gáborné will remain the head of the reformed institution. A government decree will be issued on Friday to the effect that the central institution will have 58 organisational units throughout the country.

In answer to a question, Mr Lázár also said that Zoltán Spéder is a friend of his, and he cannot speak about any issues concerning his person without bias. The Government looks upon the integration of savings cooperatives as a major success, he added.

The Minister said concerning the Zsolnay Porcelain Factory: the Government supports the plans of the City of Pécs, but the current “alleged” group of owners cannot expect any further funding from the development bank and the Cabinet. He pointed out: Zsolnay should be given an opportunity to take part in state projects, such as the refurbishment of the Museum of Applied Arts and the former Finance Ministry building.

Mr Lázár was also asked about a proposal, based on which no duty would be payable on leased trucks. The Minister said: Parliament will decide on this issue. It is about resolving an ambiguous situation, he explained. In the regulations in force to date, duty exemption related to the acquisition of title to buses, semi-trailers, trucks and trailers. This would also be extended to the acquisition of rights representing money and monies’ worth in relation to utility vehicles based on the proposal of György Wáberer, the Prime Minister’s special advisor.

(Prime Minister's Office)