Four points of the seven-item family protection action plan – the prenatal baby support, the extension of the family housing scheme ‘csok’, the rules relating to the cancellation of debts and the car purchase support for large families – will enter into force on 1 July, Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced at the press conference Governmentinfo.

Families deciding to have children are better-off today than they were in 2010

The creche development programme, as part of which the current 50,000 places will increase to 70,000, is a long-term plan, while the maternity support for grandparents and the personal income tax exemption of mothers with four children will be available from 1 January, he informed members of the press, adding that the government will submit the required legislative amendments to Parliament as early as on Friday if possible, but by next Tuesday, at the latest. Mr Gulyás stressed that

the goal of the government is to improve demographic processes.

While in consequence of the anti-family policies of socialist-liberal governments the demographic situation tumbled to an all-time low, the Orbán Government decided to overhaul the entire family support system, the maintenance of which is a strategic goal, he said, stating that statistics confirm that families deciding to have children are better-off today than they were in 2010.

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The cabinet also made decisions regarding the village ‘csok,’ the Minister continued, and identified the range of eligible settlements more permissively than previously announced; meaning that all settlements will be included in the programme – 2,373 in total – whose populations have declined (not only those whose population declines have been higher than the national average). In the interest of avoiding unjustified price increases, they also decided that maximum one half of the amount of HUF 10 million can be used for home purchases, while the other half for refurbishment and extension projects. There is no upper limit on the number of square metres, he added. He confirmed that the goal is to avoid the depopulation of villages and to popularise the village lifestyle.

Regarding the vocational training programme, he said the system introduced through the adoption of the German model is successful, but further measures are required. In agreement with the interest representations of businesses, they drafted a plan for the extension and reinforcement of vocational training so that even more young people have vocational qualifications and final examinations at the same time, he explained. He added that they have adopted a number of elements of the Austrian system, and those who decide at the age of 14 years that, in addition to taking their final examinations, they also wish to obtain vocational qualifications could be eligible for state scholarships.

In Hungary the upper limit on the number of workers in employment is five million, and while at present we have more than 4.5 million workers, we do not need masses of guest workers, he said.

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Regarding reports that the National Bank of Hungary suggested a review of the limit for exemption from the payment of the home purchase duty, Mr Gulyás said that the government has not yet made a decision on the matter, but they will study the central bank’s competitiveness plan. He added that the competitiveness packages of the National Bank of Hungary and the Ministry of Finance are equally good, but they extend to different time periods.

In answer to another question, he also said that today he would not bet a large sum of money on the reduction of the personal income tax next year.

The head of the Prime Minister’s Office said in response to a question concerning the salaries of the executives of the Hungarian Postal Service that, based on the Prime Minister’s instruction, persons working in the state sector cannot earn more than HUF 5 million monthly, benefits included.

He said concerning the possible relocation of the National Széchenyi Library that they must first decide on the function of the Palace in Buda Castle, and should anything follow from that with respect to the library, they will then inform the press, but there is no government decision regarding its relocation.

Respecting the noise pollution caused by aircraft arriving at and taking off from Liszt Ferenc Airport, the politician said the government sincerely believes that Mayor of Budapest István Tarlós will also be succeful regarding that matter. He said consultations are ongoing to ensure that the landing and take-off of aircraft at the airport should not disturb those living in the neighbourhood. A possible alternative is the introduction of a blanket ban on aircraft traffic between midnight and six in the morning, he observed.

He also said at the same time that the main cause of the problems, including the state of passenger service at the airport, stems from the political irresponsibility that the socialists even sold off the airport.

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Mr Gulyás said in answer to a question concerning the possible procurement of US fighter planes that the required capacity is available, Hungarian airspace can be fully secured with the existing Gripens.

In response to the nomination of a joint opposition candidate for the office of Mayor of Eger, he pointed out that what had come into being in Eger was nothing other than a coalition of unprincipled deceit and self-surrender. He added that those who once said the harshest things about one another “have found one another in a comradely embrace”.

In answer to another question, the Minister said there is little chance of the House of Fates opening this year. There will be a House of Fates when there is peace and agreement on the matter, he said.

Immigration will be the most important topic of EP elections

Fidesz is a member of the European People’s Party (EPP) and wishes to remain so, while it is being attacked by parties which even voted for the immigration quotas, Mr Gulyás said. The Minister said Fidesz is being attacked within the EPP solely by parties which also supported and voted for the immigration quotas in the European Parliament (EP); parties in which no one bears responsibility for heading a government. At the same time, these parties, too, are important members of the EPP; the party family has many members, and as a result many different views emerge, he observed. Mr Gulyás highlighted that they are prepared to listen to everyone’s views, and it is their ambition that a united and strong EPP take part in the May EP elections and that Fidesz become the EPP’s strongest member party on the basis of the election results. In answer to a question, he said Manfred Weber wrote a letter to the leaders of the EPP. It says nothing about US degrees in relation to the CEU, and what the group leader is asking for is a resolved and fully closed case.

The Minister stressed that they are conducting consultations with the leaders of the EPP and made clear the points on which they are unable to compromise, including the rejection of immigration. He said that the differences in views have lessened in the past week. He stressed that Fidesz has more in common with the EPP than what sets them apart. Fidesz joined a Christian democratic party family, and while there have been disappointments, today it is still within the EPP that Christian democratic policies can be most effectively represented in Europe, he said.

The Minister said the goal is for Fidesz to put its strength to the test in the EP elections as a member of the EPP, and this is also in the best interests of the EPP itself. At the same time, if Fidesz were not a member of the EPP, this would not damage the party’s popularity, he pointed out. He observed that the most compelling argument for staying within the EPP is that the CDU is also a member of the party family. He said Fidesz continues to support Manfred Weber because it would be best if he became the next president of the European Commission.

He pointed out that, at the same time, one does hear statements which would indeed justify the question of why small parties of countries smaller than Hungary believe they have the right to interfere in Hungarian internal politics and can tell us what we can do and what we cannot.

Mr Gulyás said they had had talks with CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and with Manfred Weber, but not with Marine Le Pen’s party, the French radical right-wing formation National Rally (NR). He added that one could point out as an “experimental thought” that if Fidesz were not a member of the EPP, it would still be required to maintain good relations with CDU/CSU; however, there would be no scope for cooperation with AfD (Alternative for Germany).

The Minister also said that immigration will be the most important topic of the upcoming 2019 EP elections. He recalled that Manfred Weber, too, said the same, meaning that “we are not alone in holding the view” that this topic is of the utmost importance for Europe.

Since construction of fence immigrants have avoided Hungary

He took the view that the reason why masses are not coming here from Africa and other regions is that Hungary’s border protection stops them from trying. Since the construction of the fence, immigrants have avoided Hungary, and if the Hungarian government’s policy were to change, Hungary would become a target for migration, the same as many other countries, he added.

According to the Minister, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s proposal for setting up a council for the interior ministers of the Schengen Area is a good initiative as not even the most ardent supporters of the incumbent Commission have ever claimed that the body has handled the issue of migration well. Instead of deciding in Brussels, it would make sense if this issue was handed back to the Member States and if they were represented in the proposed council. Therefore, if we need an effective and workable solution, this is an extremely important proposal for halting migration, he said.

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Government spokesperson István Hollik added that the European Commission lacks sincerity on the issue of immigration and fails to reveal its plans. The Commission sees the resettlement mechanisms as a success and wants to continue them, would render illegal migration legal, and holds the view that Europe needs migration, meaning that the Commission intends to encourage migration, he explained.