The containment effort to combat the coronavirus epidemic will have a budget of several hundred billion forints, these funds are available in the budget, Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at his Thursday online press conference.

The Minister highlighted that the government had adopted all measures that had also been adopted in neighbouring countries substantially earlier than other countries. As a result, the extent of the infection is much lesser than in most countries in Europe. It is to be hoped that the rate of the spread of the virus will continue to remain slower, but in the coming days and weeks the number of infections could rise dramatically, he said, adding at the same time that all conditions are in place to keep the epidemic under control. The health care system is fully prepared for receiving the maximum possible number of patients.

The Minister thanked health care and law enforcement workers for their hard work, highlighting that the success of the containment effort depends on their work.

He said ventilators are the most important supplies in the containment effort, of which there are 2,500 in Hungary at present. The government is doing everything it can to increase this number as swiftly as possible, they are also procuring supplies from abroad. However, as in the present situation “the free market is more like free daylight robbery”, only supplies already in the territory of the country can be regarded as a certainty. Consequently, they will only state numbers for these already existing stocks, he said, adding that they are engaged in ongoing negotiations with many companies and countries.

He pointed out that there are significant differences among infected patients; 80 to 90 per cent are virus carriers without symptoms, but there are some who need hospital treatment. There are few cases where coronavirus infection is the primary cause of death; it is typically a side illness which becomes the cause of death due to an underlying primary illness, he explained.

Mr Gulyás said on Thursday EU heads of state and government will confer as part of a video conference. The plans outlined by Brussels for the containment of the coronavirus epidemic favour Hungary the least because, rather than granting additional funds, it facilitates the drawdown of already existing funds. Hungary is among the best in the absorption of EU funds, and has tied up almost all of the funds in question, he said.

He observed that the containment of the coronavirus epidemic will be the only topic of the consultation.

He also said the Hungarian government requested the customs tariffs-free importation of protective supplies into the territory of the EU from outside the EU.

The head of the Prime Minister’s Office highlighted that the purpose of the government’s economic measures is to maintain the functioning of the economy to the fullest possible extent and to protect jobs. They decided to introduce a full debt repayment moratorium, and amortisation instalments are not allowed to be increased from 2021, he pointed out, adding it is to be hoped that the amount that will remain with families as a result of this measure will serve to keep alive and strengthen the economy and to boost consumption.

At the Governmentinfo press conference, Mr Gulyás also informed members of the press that the government had discussed the fate of measures which had been implemented so far during the state of danger declared due to the coronavirus epidemic, but which would expire in the absence of a parliamentary decision, and had found solutions. They are primarily asking for the cooperation of the operators of institutions, while the competent ministers will also take action within their own competence.

This situation was brought about by the fact that on Monday Parliament did not grant the government the possibility of having the bill on the containment of the coronavirus passed already the following day. This is how the difficulty emerged that the first few measures adopted during the state of danger would expire after 15 days. Upon the passage of a period of 15 days, Parliament must extend the decisions, he explained.

At the same time, if the government repeatedly extended these measures by further and further periods of 15 days, that would strip Parliament of its powers, the Minister argued.

Therefore, having taken stock of the measures in question, they decided to ask operators to order the continued closure of universities and colleges of higher education until Parliament’s decision which is expected to be adopted on Tuesday, while in the case of creches and nursery schools, they are also asking operators to order days off in the interim.

Interior Minister Sándor Pintér will take care of the continued closure of the borders within his own competence, in accordance with EU regulations. Regarding the issue of court recess expiring on 30 March, Justice Minister Judit Varga will have talks with President of the National Office for the Judiciary Gyögy Barna Senyei regarding a solution, Mr Gulyás stated.

The Minister announced, changing the subject, that the government had concluded the transaction related to the acquisition of the Mátra Power Plant.

MVM Magyar Villamos Művek will purchase Status Power Invest Kft. which is the owner of both the power plant and Geosol Kft., Mr Gulyás informed the press, adding that the government regards the technological conversion of the power plant in harmony with climate protection criteria as a strategic interest of the country.

The acquisition price of the company group was HUF 17.44 billion, he said.

He also stressed that the power plant plays a key role in Hungary’s electricity supply, accounting for 16 per cent of our electricity production. The operation of the power plant is crucial for the preservation of jobs and the region’s economic stability, he added.

In answer to a question, the Minister highlighted in the context of criticisms connected to the management of the coronavirus epidemic that they are grateful for any assistance from the EU, but they also accept if the EU does not provide meaningful assistance for Hungary. At the same time, they believe it is unacceptable that they are trying to hinder the country’s containment effort and raise objections to measures which several other countries have already adopted. This is a political attack which they are trying to launch against the Hungarian government at a time when unity is required in the whole of the EU. “It is best if the EU does nothing, but it would be better still if they provided meaningful assistance with the containment effort,” Mr Gulyás said.

He added that there are many in the EP and in EU institutions who hate the government. However, at this time when the whole of Europe is busy trying to contain the virus, they should put this “hobby” aside and stop concerning themselves with Hungary.

In the context of the fact that several mayors imposed or are considering the introduction of partial curfews, he said the state alone has the authority to order curfews and other restrictions. Any already implemented measures will be reviewed by the competent government offices, he indicated.

Regarding reports that, based on the Iranian model, a lawyer of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee suggested that prisoners who committed lesser crimes should be subjected to less stringent custody rules or released from prison, he said they are sad to acknowledge that not only the committee, but on Wednesday also the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights came up with such hair-raising ideas. As an advocate of stringent penal policies, the Hungarian government rejects any such suggestion. If a person was given an actual prison sentence, it must be enforced, he laid down.

In answer to the question as to whether the defence forces and the police are able to take care of the protection of the Southern border, he answered in the affirmative. They are working hard to carry out their border control responsibilities; the long lines of traffic extending to several kilometres at the borders never had anything to do with the activities of the Hungarian authorities. The situation at the borders appears to have consolidated by now. There are delays of more than an hour only in a few places, and those who are entitled to enter Hungary are able to do so relatively swiftly, he indicated.

Mr Gulyás confirmed that in testing patients they are following the WHO protocol. They have made every effort to procure as many test kits as possible, and as a result, there is no obstacle to performing ever more tests with a rise in the extent of infections. Fidesz Member of Parliament László B. Nagy attended Parliament after a negative test result, he said in answer to another question. He observed that despite this, he kept a distance of 3 to 4 metres from other Members of Parliament.

In answer to the question as to why electronic sessions are not allowed for Parliament – given that they are allowed for the Constitutional Court – he said the Fundamental Law makes it clear that the attending Members of Parliament constitute a quorum. This would require a constitutional amendment which in itself would take four weeks, but there is no such proposal before Parliament, he indicated, adding that they are asking everyone to talk about it if they believe such an arrangement is necessary instead of creating political hysteria.

Regarding the fact that the opposition had no objection to Mayor of Budapest Gergely Karácsony ‘ruling’ the city by decree, the Minister said they are asking the opposition to put an end to double standards. They do not dispute the fact that the mayor had the right to do what he did, and it is also a fact that he had consulted with Zsolt Láng, leader of the government party group in the metropolitan General Assembly, he remarked.

The goal of the government is to urge unity as far as possible, and to make it clear that in a situation like this everyone should see partners even in their opponents in the interest of the containment of the virus, he said.

Regarding what further supplies necessary for the containment effort they are expecting, Government Spokesperson Alexandra Szentkirályi highlighted that the government is making all possible resources available for the containment of the virus. There are no and indeed cannot be financial obstacles, she stated, adding that they are doing everything they can, amidst the present keen competition on the world market, to make all possible supplies available to the Hungarian people. They decide on procurements and the distribution of supplies on the basis of the Operational Group’s instructions.

They are preparing for a long containment effort, and the goal is to slow down the spread of the epidemic. Therefore, supplies must be managed responsibly, but wherever they are required they will be available, she said.

In answer to a question related to the possible peak of the epidemic, Mr Gulyás said they sincerely hope that, with the joint efforts of Hungarian virology specialists and mathematicians, it will be possible to determine the peak time and what supplies will be required then. There are different estimates, there is a great deal of uncertainty, and according to present estimates, the epidemic will reach its peak in June-July. However, this is not a ‘promise’ that anyone can deliver upon; it is merely a projection according to the present state of science, he added.

In answer to another question, he also said due to the epidemic the need might arise for the introduction even more stringent restrictive measures. If the government decides on any of these, they will inform the public with immediate effect.

Regarding the rise in unemployment, it seems that already in March some 30,000 to 40,000 jobs could be axed, while in April the situation could get even worse. Therefore, sadly, the only question is “how many hundreds of thousands” will be left without jobs. The government’s goal is to enable those who lose their jobs now to find new jobs within the shortest possible time, and once the economy is restarted, there is a good chance that job-seekers will not be left without jobs for years, he said, stressing that there are no structural problems in the Hungarian economy.

He said it is impossible to predict the economy’s growth for this year. However, if the economy grew at all, he would see that as an even greater achievement than last year’s 5 per cent growth.

The government is dealing with the issue of exemption from the payment of contributions and taxes with daily regularity, and this week, too, they will extend tax relief to further sectors, the Minister said.

The debt repayment moratorium also extends to credit card debts and credit lines, but not to debts already under collection, he said.

Mr Gulyás further confirmed that Interior Minister Sándor Pintér’s second coronavirus test had also come back negative.

Regarding final examinations, the government spokesperson pointed out that they are not aware of any factors that could prevent the organisation of the examinations.

(Prime Minister’s Office/MTI)