The Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office told online news portal that the 3.2 million “no” votes can be considered a sufficient authorisation for the Government to protect the country from migration and migrant relocation, and for the country to be able to preserve its independence.

In his interview, Mr. Lázár said that the high rate of “no” votes has put serious political power in the hands of the Government, and it is significantly strong enough authorisation for it to be able to proceed with its independent policies in opposition to Brussels and to stop relocation.

He added, however, that he is not completely satisfied; the reason for so many voters staying away from the ballot boxes must be thought through separately.

He also said that in the regions of Hódmezővásárhely and Makó turnout was the third highest among the 106 constituencies of Hungary.  “It can clearly be attributed to the fact that people here consider it important to take responsibility for their own issues and decide on their own fates, and they are able and willing to express their opinions”, he underlined.

In addition, Mr. Lázár said, those constituencies with high turnout rates are where people talk to each other, and where local government powers and politicians have addressed voters.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)