The Government must prepare for the exertion of major pressure in the next few months on account of its immigration policy on the part of the European Commission, the Strasbourg court and non-governmental organisations, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 83.

He mentioned as an example that the European Commission is expected to exert pressure on Hungary with a view to the acceptance of the mandatory resettlement quotas. He added in this context that according to the Government’s information, a hearing in the quota lawsuit will be scheduled shortly.

Additionally, he continued, we may also expect decisions from Strasbourg condemning Hungary due to its immigration policy during the period to come, likewise „in the spirit of the exertion of pressure” in order to induce Hungary to abandon the protection of the borders and to let illegal immigrants in.

Mr Lázár took the view that they have found a partner in these efforts in the person of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee which has now become „a political organisation”. The Minister asked the Helsinki Committee: if they truly look upon their efforts as a matter of principle, they should donate the HUF 2.7 million awarded to them by the Strasbourg court in the case of the two Bangladeshi asylum-seekers – who were represented by the organisation – to the charitable organisations working at the border, the Hungarian Interchurch Aid and the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta.

„If this is truly a matter of principle, and is not about money, (…) not about the personal well-being of the lawyers working in the Helsinki Committee, this is an excellent opportunity to do, in the name of solidarity, that which members of the police, soldiers and a great many other people do in the interest of the protection of the country”, he said.

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Regarding the reinforced legal border closure which is already effective, the Minister pointed out repeatedly: the Government is ready to face any EU investigation because, in its view, it complies with EU law. The joint working group of the Cabinet and the EU will scrutinise the legislation for three months, he remarked.

The tightened border closure was already operational on Wednesday: eight asylum-seekers are required to await the assessment of their applications at the border, the Minister informed the press, who also said that 324 shipping containers had been installed at the border section, and the transit zone is currently capable of accommodating 100 persons, but they are ready to enlarge this capacity. In the transit zone, adults are given three meals a day, while children receive five meals a deal, in addition to comprehensive social and health care, he added.

He also said that there are 520 immigrants in the country today, and they receive all care services to international standards. As no new migrants will enter the country as of 28 March, the camps will empty out because the individuals concerned will either leave the country, or will be taken to the transit zone, he added, indicating that in this eventuality it will be possible to close down the reception centres.

The Minister further spoke about the EU summit held in Rome last week, and the declaration adopted there, in the context of which, he stressed, according to the position approved by the Visegrád Four (V4), every country must be strong in order to reinforce the continent. He indicated that in the debate that will now start with respect to the future of the EU, Hungary wishes to play an active role together with the V4 allies.

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Mr Lázár told the press that the Government will start the preparation of next year’s budget in April, and the debate on the proposed budget legislation will begin in Parliament in May.

He also informed the press about the decision of the Cabinet, based on which the police, the defence forces, the Directorate General for Disaster Management and the National Tax and Customs Administration may conduct vehicle procurements worth HUF 45 billion up to 2020.

Upon speaking about the national consultation concerning the current relationship of Hungary and the EU, the Minister said: it is important to clarify whether the Government can rely on the support of the electorate on the six issues of the consultation.

In his evaluation, these are issues of sovereignty: there is a major debate, for instance, on whether the EU should be multi-speed and whether Brussels or Hungary itself should determine the rates of taxes. The latter means an advantage in competitiveness and the promotion of job creation, he remarked.

In answer to a question regarding the advertising tax, he said: the decision of the European Commission is being implemented which requires the imposition of a standard rate in excess of HUF 100 million. Based on this, effective as of 1 July 2017, this year’s rate will be 5.3 per cent, and the players of the advertising market will receive a refund of HUF 20 billion from their payments. Regarding the future of this tax, it will be decided upon the debating of the 2018 budget and tax laws.

Mr Lázár was also asked about the meeting of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó with Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines. He said in reply that the meeting was motivated by trade relations, rather than by political cooperation. Members of other European governments, too, have visited the country, he added, indicating that it is a potential market of 100 million.

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Everyone must observe the rules of the game

The Minister described the investigation of the Education Office – which uncovered problems at 27 out of 28 universities – as lawful and thorough. At the same time, he finds it sad that there are problems in such large numbers with the operating licences, the accreditation of training programmes and cooperation with the Hungarian State.

Based on the investigation, the Ministry of Human Capacities decided that more transparent rules of operation are required, and therefore submitted to Parliament a motion relating to the amendment of the higher education legislation, he said.

Pursuant to the motion, only such foreign universities would be permitted to operate in Hungary, whose operations are guaranteed by international agreements between the country of origin and Hungary, which are recognised by the State as universities also in the country of origin, and which are engaged in genuine higher education activities, Mr Lázár informed the press.

„I do not see which of these requirements would be perceived as politically sensitive or contrary to anyone’s interests”, he said.

He indicated at the same time: every foreign university may expect the Government to assess their applications fairly, both as regards cooperation and the content of training.

The Cabinet would like to achieve that everyone should observe the rules of the game in the interest of the protection of students, he stressed.

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Mr Lázár added: in his view, the next one year will be sufficient to conclude the international agreements in the case of the foreign universities concerned which will become a condition of their future operation according to plans.

In his opinion, whatever is beyond this is „mere political hysterics”, and he therefore suggested that everyone should calm down.

He remarked: the only one of the investigated foreign universities that satisfied all requirements was an American institution, the McDaniel College which considers itself liberal. „If the Hungarian Government had a political problem with anyone, it would not leave a symbolic liberal university to prosper in peace”, he added.

In answer to a question, the Minister ruled out that the contemplated changes would affect Hungarian-US relations. He also said: he does not believe that the fulfilment of the conditions outlined in the proposal would pose the Central European University (CEU) a genuine problem. If it fails to meet these conditions, that would be, in his view, „a very sad state of affairs indeed”.

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Government to protect national interests

Mr Lázár spoke about the agreement between the beer manufacturers Csíki Sör and Heineken, which he described as an achievement of united efforts. In his evaluation, the conclusion is that it is possible to resolve even difficult issues. As he said, the fact that they managed to save the brand „after many years of brutal legal and economic warfare” is a symbolic and important station of the enforcement of national interests.

Everyone who attacks Hungarian businesses in Hungary or in the Carpathian Basin may expect in the future the Government to find a way to enforce national interests, he stressed, also with reference to the double standards in the quality of foodstuffs.

He further confirmed that the National Food Chain Safety Office compared 96 products sold in Italy and Austria with products distributed in Hungary under the same brand names and with the same physical appearance. Quality was found to be different in 70 per cent of the products: they used different ingredients, seasoning and additives as well as side-products of inferior quality in the case of the products examined, he said, citing as an example that Nutella in Italy is not the same as the product marketed under the same name in Hungary.

He also remarked that there are products which are more expensive here and are of inferior quality at the same time.

They want to protect consumers from large multinational food manufacturers abusing their power, the Minister explained, who pointed out that together with the V4 partners they will seek to ensure as an initial measure that the labels of the products provide clear information about the differences in the interest of the protection of consumers.

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The Minister confirmed in the context of the bill regarding the commercial usage of symbols of despotism that they will not withdraw it. They have, in actual fact, sent it to Brussels because they would like to make clear whether it complies with the relevant EU legal criteria. The motion will be returned to the Hungarian Parliament, once it has been endorsed by the EU, he added.

Mr Lázár was also asked about the fact that drivers were fined by community support officers on the basis of camera images in Budapest. He said in reply that the position of the National Police Headquarters confirmed Mayor of Budapest István Tarlós’s opinion: fines cannot be imposed solely on the basis of camera images.

The Minister was further queried about the Balatonfüred projects of the World Aquatics Championships. He said that the city has excellent features for a major world competition which is an enormous opportunity for the countryside to show itself to the world. Every project is well-advanced, and will remain within budget, he remarked.