The Government looks upon Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County as a strategic ally and a prominent partner, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the inauguration of the gymnasium of the Nyírbogát elementary school on Friday.

Mr Lázár said that in the next few months, the Government will distribute some HUF 70 billion among localities in Szabolcs County, in addition to the city of Nyíregyháza, and Nyírbogát has “reason to expect” minimum HUF 1.5 billion, but more like HUF 1.8 billion from this allocation. The mission of Szabolcs County in the Government’s long-term vision is to integrate the Hungarians of the region, including those who were temporarily forced beyond the borders and live there now, and seek advancement today in Transcarpathia and the Partium region, the Minister stressed.

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He highlighted that in the wake of the common troubles, the common difficulties, the phase of economic decline and unemployment, the county has been given a new opportunity by virtue of the fact that the Government looks upon the county and the residents of the county as a regional centre. Nyíregyháza and Szabolcs have the historic mission, he continued, of creating opportunities for the Hungarians beyond the borders to belong to Hungary.

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Mr Lázár stressed upon addressing the pupils and teachers of the educational institution that the Cabinet has, in recent years, taken it upon itself as a priority task to review the fundamental issues of education in Hungary and to lay down a path for education in the next ten to twenty years. In this, the three key words will be skills, opportunities and quality. These are the top priorities, the Minister said.

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The gymnasium of the Nyírbogát elementary school was built, within the framework of a national programme, from an allocation of HUF 300 million received from the central budget. In addition to Mr Lázár, the ceremony was also attended by Anita Boros, Deputy State Secretary for Asset Management at the Ministry for National Development, Miklós Simon, Member of Parliament for Fidesz-KDNP, and the heads of several county and district offices.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)