The Government has received the necessary political authorisation to protect Hungary in Brussels and on every other scene against the mandatory resettlement quotas, Zsolt Semjén said at the press conference held after the conclusion of the quota referendum.

The President of the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP) and Deputy Prime Minister took the view at the venue where the government parties awaited the results of the referendum that the attendance rate was high by Hungarian standards, but in particular, by European standards, and there was overwhelming support for the answer „no”, that is, the position of the Government.

He added: while they will use their political authorisation, on humanitarian and Christian grounds „there will be charitable action for the migrants, while there will be self-defence against migration”. He pointed out: the migrants are victims, and Hungary – through the support of charitable organisations as well as from fiscal resources – contributes beyond its means to enabling people to lead a dignified life in their own native countries, as well as to improving the living standards of those who are already in different camps.

He expressed hope that the EU and the rich western countries, too, will follow suit. The Deputy Prime Minister said thanks to every Hungarian elector who exercised their civic rights and cast their votes at the quota referendum. He especially thanked the Hungarian voters beyond the borders who are, in many cases, only affected by migration indirectly, whether in the Carpathian Basin or in scattered communities around the world, for „having come along and shared the fate” of the Hungarian nation.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)