Due to a number of unclear circumstances, the government will submit official enquiries to the EU and the UN regarding the issue of migrant bank cards, said Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office at the press conference Governmentinfo.

The Minister said it is unacceptable that while European citizens are not allowed to open anonymous bank accounts and to use anonymous bank cards, migrants are permitted to do so. This poses a major threat to the fight against terrorism, people smuggling and money laundering, he pointed out.

He said now that European politics had come to the realisation that the external borders must be protected and illegal migration must be prevented, anonymous bank cards are being issued with the EU’s support and the UN’s involvement.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/kormany.hu

The Minister welcomed the fact that the European Parliament rejected the initiative concerning humanitarian visas, and took the view that a repeated vote on this issue would make a mockery of democracy.

Mr Gulyás stressed that the former Macedonian Prime Minister’s asylum request is to be regarded not as an inter-governmental, but as a legal issue.

He said the Hungarian State did not provide any assistance with Nikola Gruevski’s departure from Macedonia. The former Macedonian Prime Minister issued a declaration of intent regarding the submission of an asylum application at a Hungarian foreign representation outside Macedonia, and for security reasons they later decided that he will not be heard in the transit zone, but at the Budapest headquarters of the Office of Asylum and Nationality, he explained. He added that this is the general practice in the case of former political leaders.

The Minister highlighted that maintaining good relations with Macedonia is key, and therefore the Minister of Foreign Affairs will consult with his Macedonian counterpart on the matter by telephone.

He observed that Nikola Gruevski did not meet with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

In answer to a question, he said that in the case of the former Macedonian Prime Minister the Hungarian authorities will proceed in accordance with the relevant security protocol, and it is guaranteed that he cannot leave the country.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/kormany.hu

In answer to a question related to Brexit, the Minister said Hungary would have been better pleased if Britain had opted to remain a member of the EU, but British electors adopted a decision to the contrary, and a country cannot be penalised due to a democratic decision. We need a fair Brexit, in the long run the EU and Britain will have to build the most advantageous possible relations, and Hungary therefore welcomes the increased chance of an agreement, he stated.

He took the view that while an extraordinary EU summit will be held next Sunday to address this issue, the approval of EU heads of state and government is not enough in itself. The agreement is also subject to the approval of the British Parliament, and in this regard he has major doubts. Even if no agreement is reached, the rights of the Hungarians already working there will not be curtailed in any way, he said.

The Minister said that a net contributor member is leaving the EU, and Britain’s contribution accounted for 12 to 13 per cent of the EU budget. According to Hungary, during the next seven-year financial framework either every Member State will proportionately increase their contributions, and as a result, the grand total of the budget will not decrease, or they will accept a 12 to 13 per cent fall in the budget and EU grants will be reduced accordingly, he explained.

In answer to a question, Mr Gulyás said regarding MEP Guy Verhofstadt’s billboard campaign that the European liberals are working “with a broad repertoire of political folklore”. This is about George Soros’s revenge, and the European liberals have joined this campaign, he said.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/kormany.hu

The Minister said in answer to an enquiry concerning the EP decision on the state of the rule of law in Romania that “after what happened in Hungary’s case”, the EP is no longer an authentic forum to pass judgement on issues of this nature.

He also said that they will send the results of the consultations on the future of Europe to French President Emmanuel Macron.

He said in answer to a question that the government has filed its action with the European Court of Justice against the Sargentini report.

The government will support the refurbishment of metro line three with HUF 80 billion, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced.

Mr Gulyás said the additional funds can be used at the end of 2019, in 2020 and in 2021, but the utilisation of funds could even extend to 2022. The metropolitan municipality is preparing the plans for the refurbishment of the metro line, and implementation, too, will fall within the municipality’s competence, he added.

The Minister said that at the Wednesday cabinet meeting, which was also attended by Mayor of Budapest István Tarlós, they were in favour of the establishment of a metropolitan public development council, and the agreement thereon will be signed by István Tarlós and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Saturday.

The metropolitan public development council will deal with all issues concerning Budapest, and government decisions concerning Budapest will also be referred to the council, thereby ensuring permanent communication between the capital and the government at the highest level, Mr Gulyás highlighted.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/kormany.hu

The Minister informed the press that in the third quarter Hungary’s economic growth reached 5 per cent, and as a result it is third in Europe behind Poland and Ireland, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said.

Mr Gulyás also said that the Hungarian economy rests on stable foundations, and it is to be presumed that also in the whole of the year it will be capable of the highest economic growth rate among Member States of the European Union. At the same time, an economic growth rate above 4 per cent appears to be realistic for next year as well.

The deficit of the budget, too, is low, and in consequence it will be possible to adhere to this year’s deficit target of 2.4 per cent, he added.

He said the construction industry played the greatest role in the growth with an increase above 25 per cent, and internal consumption has also increased which justifies the pay rises of recent years as an appropriate measure.

The Hungarian economy rests on stable foundations, and an economic growth rate above 4 per cent appears to be realistic for next year, the Minister said.

He further highlighted that during the years of left-liberal governance the deficit of the budget reached almost 10 per cent; this clearly indicates the advantages of a conservative financial policy.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/kormany.hu

In answer to a question, Mr Gulyás said that at the Wednesday cabinet meeting the government discussed several proposals related to health care, and there will be further proposals in the near future.

A government decision is expected to be adopted before the end of the year which will comprehensively address the difficulties that exist in health care and the developments of the next few years. As a result, a decision may also be adopted about the priority central hospitals so that the relevant developments can start.

Regarding the new National Curriculum, the Minister said there is no official decision yet, and as things stand today, it is likely to be introduced in September 2020.

He said in the context of the enlargement of the Paks nuclear power station that it is to be hoped that the final deadline for the completion of the project can be observed. The Hungarian party will do everything it can to prevent delays.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)