As part of the Hungary Helps Programme, the government supports the eye clinic operated by missionary-eye specialist Dr Richárd Hardi in Mbuji-Mayi situated in the Southern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Every year, the Hungarian-founded institution provides care for 25,000 patients as the only facility specialising in this field of medicine in the province with a population of 8 million. The most recent donation serves to guarantee the complex’s stable and environmentally friendly energy supply which is essential in the case of interventions.

The development of the College Othniel educational institution and orphanage in Munganga operated by the Foundation for Africa – an international development and humanitarian organisation – is also being implemented from grants provided by the Hungarian government. This project includes the construction of workshops and special classrooms as well as the implementation of new vocational training programmes. The purpose of the project is to improve the living conditions of the residents of the Munganga ghetto in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo with a population of some 12 million.

The underlying tenet of the Hungary Helps Programme is that help must be taken where there are problems instead of bringing problems here. The Hungarian government sponsors the implementation of the projects which seek to alleviate the pressure of migration with HUF 60 million in total.