An information campaign will be launched by the Government to increase public awareness of the fact that Hungarian reforms are working and Hungary made the right decision when it chose to follow its own path in 2010, Government Spokesman Zoltán Kovács said at a press conference in Budapest.

Mr. Kovács said the campaign, which will be launched within the next few days and continue until the end of September, will use various platforms such as billboards, the press and the Internet to highlight the successful family and fiscal policy measures introduced by the Government.

A net budget of HUF 600 million (EUR 1.9m) has been allocated for the information campaign, he told the press.

According to the Government Spokesman, the past couple of years are testament to the fact that the path Hungary had chosen, has indeed paid off: the Hungarian economy has grown by over 10 per cent, which is itself an achievement giving ground for optimism.

In answer to a question about whether this information campaign is a response to the recent billboard campaign critical of the Government's migration policy, Mr. Kovács gave a negative reply.

Concerning the Sunday shopping ban, he said that there is indeed a loophole, thus the relevant legislation might be tightened.

(The Prime Minister's Office)