Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács said in a TV interview on Friday that Hungary assumes that Croatia has already registered those migrants who arrive in Hungary from the direction of Croatia.

He emphasised that both the European Union and the European Council said that all European laws are in force. We can only rely on the assumption that a neighbouring EU member state complies with the legislations, and all migrants, who arrive from Croatia have already undergone a registration procedure, the Government Spokesperson explained.

Regarding Minister János Lázár’s statement, according to which the arrival of migrants is an organised act aimed against Hungary, Mr. Kovács said that there are organised criminal groups behind these processes, and in the case of Croatia, it is the Croatian Government itself, because they are the ones bringing migrants to the Hungarian borders.

In an interview with public TV channel M1, he said that Croatia’s behaviour took Hungary by surprise. We did not expect the Croatian prime minister to disrespect EU legislations, which is what is happening at the moment, he said.

(Prime Minister's Office)