Historical experience compels us to ensure that “Hungary may never fall again”, it can never fall victim to Islamic conquest, and we cannot allow others „to occupy Hungary from within”, Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén stated.

The President of the Christian Democratic Party said at a press conference held before a public forum on the national consultation: what is happening in the European Union today is uncannily similar to the way people of the Islamic faith occupied the Castle of Buda in 1541 as “sightseeing tourists” as “they are now occupying Europe from within as migrants”.

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Mr Semjén said: regarding the management of illegal migration, “Brussels’ policy can be described with three simple adjectives: illegal, anti-democratic and unfair”.

He argued: it is illegal because they fail to observe the Dublin Regulations which stipulate that no one may enter the territory of the EU illegally. The Brussels bureaucracy “whose machinations are aimed at bringing illegal migration into Europe” violates the Dublin Regulations, while Hungary “follows them to the letter”.

The President of the Christian Democratic Party described Brussels’ policy as anti-democratic because they forgot to ask German or European citizens as to whether they want to live together with Islam in masses. The Hungarian Government is democratic because they asked the people both in a referendum and in the national consultation, “and the Hungarian people said that they do not want this”.

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According to Mr Semjén, what Brussels is doing is unfair because they select those migrants for themselves who have qualifications, speak languages and “are usable”, they keep them, “while the rest they dump on the Hungarians, Czechs, Poles, Romanians and the others”. This procedure is also unfair on the migrants themselves because “they are victims”.

These people are the victims of the Clintonite US foreign policy which „destroyed fully functional countries – even if they were what they were – for ideological reasons during the course of the process referred to as the Arab Spring” in North-Africa and in the Middle-East. Assad’s Syria “was no bed of roses, but it was a lesser evil than the Islamic State”, the politician stated his view.

He continued by saying that the American politician opened up the “flow of migrants” from Asia and North-Africa towards Europe, and meanwhile these migrants are the victims of both their own poor governments and people smugglers. These people were made to believe that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the bureaucracy of the European Union „invited them”, they somehow made their way here, but now the Germans say that they do not want to take them in after all.

“What we say is much fairer as we tell them not to set out, not to leave their homes and possessions behind because we are not going to take them in.” We are offering to send help beyond Hungary’s means to these people “in order to build hospitals and schools for them over there, to help them so that they can live a dignified life in their native land”, Mr Semjén said.

The national consultation is important so that we can state that “Hungarian society is behind the Government in order that we may fight with this added strength in Brussels to stop illegal migration and to prevent the mass resettlement of migrants”, as well as to ensure that Hungary is not exposed to the threat of terrorism or crime, he stressed.

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The Deputy Prime Minister also added: he would not like his children and grandchildren “to live in the shadow of Sharia law” as wherever Islam appears in mass, “people will demand the introduction of Islamic law sooner or later”, and “not only in relation to Muslims, but to everyone living in the given area. “We do not want the country of St. Stephen to be turned into a caliphate.”

The opinions of certain western countries “are not relevant because they are already lost”. This is the last French generation in France "which may still lead a French life”, while the Germans “are in the stages of losing themselves”, he said stating his view.

We, the Central-European V4 “can most certainly continue to live our Hungarian, Czech, Polish and Slovak lives”. We do not want to tell the French whom they should live together with, “but they, too, should refrain from telling us whom we should live together with”. We never signed an agreement with the EU “in which we resigned our sovereignty as to whom we let into our country”, Mr Semjén stated.

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László Víg, Fidesz Member of Parliament for the Zalaegerszeg constituency stressed at the press conference that Hungary is on the right path. On account of an event held in Zalaegerszeg there is no need “to install bollards at the entrance of the street in order to prevent trucks from driving into the crowd”, we do not need to request the assistance of security services to protect the physical safety of our citizens. “This is a calm, peaceful, conservative country, this is the atmosphere we would like to preserve”, and this is what the Government needs the people’s authorisation for at the national consultation.