On Tuesday in Brussels, Minister of State for EU Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office Szabolcs Takács announced that according to the European Commission’s statement published a few weeks ago, there is no EU stance that questions the rule of law with regard to Hungary.

Hungarian News Agency MTI inquired about the issue because German Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth said that the EU must enforce regulations of the rule of law with regard to the migration issue in Hungary as well.

Hungary’s position concerning the migration issue is that sovereign protection of the EU’s external borders without external help must be considered a top priority. Following the meeting of EU Member State Ministers responsible for EU Affairs in Brussels, the Minister of State said that this is the fundamental prerequisite for Europe to be strong and confident. He added that there are more and more people in the EU, who admit that what Hungary says and does in the field of migration is in fact justified.

According to Mr. Takács, the crisis cannot be solved without the protection of the EU’s external borders. The aim of border protection is to channel migration into a controllable flow.

“Hungary is not against migrants, but against illegal migration”, the Minister of State stressed.

(Prime Minister's Office, MTI)