In contrast to fake news released in some Hungarian press outlets, the Hungary Helps Programme will continue its mission.

Hungary’s humanitarian aid framework programme launched at the beginning of 2017 has enabled more than 70,000 persons living in crisis regions, including many persecuted Christians to stay in their home countries, thereby reducing the pressure of migration weighing heavily upon Europe and Hungary. Our underlying tenet is that help must be taken where there is trouble, instead of bringing trouble here.

The fake news spread in connection with the phasing out of the initiative regarded as exemplary even by international standards reflects a lack of fundamental knowledge of public law. The framework and content of the programme were laid down in Act CXX of 2018 on the Hungary Helps Programme. This legal act adopted by Parliament identifies the Hungary Helps Programme as Hungary’s humanitarian aid programme. In the spirit of deregulation, this opened up the possibility of repealing former inferior legal acts which had ceased to be relevant in consequence of the legislation.

Against the background of the continued implementation of its earlier aid projects, by relying on international humanitarian experiences, the Hungary Helps Programme is also taking part in the fight against the coronavirus in Hungary.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)