Hungary insists on the view that the European Commission should contribute to the costs of the border fence built at the time of the emergence of the migrant crisis, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 104 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

At the press conference Mr Lázár informed members of the press of the reply in the negative received from the competent European Commissioner in response to Hungary’s request that the EU should foot one half of the costs of the fence. According to his information, Dimitris Avramopoulos’s reply to the request for grants as a contribution to the operation and construction of the Hungarian fence was that they do not regard the fence or providing grants for Hungary in relation to the construction thereof and its extra migration-related expenditures as justified.

Mr Lázár said that the Government was shocked by the reply in light of the fact that it was the closure of the border, together with other fences, that stopped the flow of illegal migrants who crossed the Balkans in 2015.

It was the closure of the Balkans route and the closure of the border that helped Europe to take control of the process of migration.

The Minister stated: it is unbecoming the culture of European cooperation that we are deprived of access to funds that we would be entitled to.

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Mr Lázár concluded: it as an indication of double standards that while other countries, such as Bulgaria were given grants even for the construction of fences, the European Commission only wants to support the letting in of migrants. We insist that the fence is the solution, and we are asking for help with stopping migration, rather than with organising it, he said. He also reported: before the end of this year, the relationship of Brussels and Budapest will further be affected by the fact that, as expected, the European Commission will initiate the distribution of migrants already in Europe once again, including the resettlement of another 50 thousand migrants. He stressed: this is contrary to the values of the EU.

The Government will not support measures of any kind against Poland

Mr Lázár also pointed out at the press conference: the Hungarian Government will not support EU measures of any kind against Poland. At the Wednesday plenary session of the European Parliament, the majority groups voted for the resolution on the state of the rule of law in Poland, based on which preparations will start to trigger Article Seven of the EU Treaties against Poland.

The institution of such a procedure is out of the question, Mr Lázár said, taking the view that the European Parliament has attacked Poland and Polish independence as it transgressed the contractual boundaries relating to the functioning of the EU and is abusing its power. The Minister said: Budapest will make every effort to help Warsaw.

He said in answer to a question: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has governmental authorisation to exercise his right of veto, should the need arise, in the procedure in the European Council.

Regarding the fact that according to Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo the V4 have won the dispute with the EU concerning its migration policy, Mr Lázár said: “this is the kind of optimism that is worthy of a Polish lady, and it commands respect”. At the same time, experiences show that the European Commission keeps coming up with new ideas week after week.

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It is shocking when someone regards consultation with the electorate as anti-democratic

He said in response to the words of Guy Verhofstadt, head of the EP’s liberal group, criticising the national consultation: it is shocking when someone regards consultation with the electorate as anti-democratic.

At the same time, he informed the press that 1 million 295 thousand people had sent back the consultation questionnaires by noon on Thursday which is a remarkably high number, and amply demonstrates that the people want to state their views on the matter.

The head of the Prime Minister’s Office also said: the questions of the national consultation are not related to György Soros’s descent.

In his words, left-wing politicians who support unlimited immigration continually attack Hungary in Brussels, and to this end they are exerting pressure on the European institutions as well. This is a political campaign against Fidesz and Hungary, he stated.

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Hungary’s economic situation keeps improving

Hungary’s economic situation keeps improving, Mr Lázár said after the Government reviewed the economic indicators at its meeting held the day before.

Based on the report of Minister of National Economy Mihály Varga, the Minister stressed: Hungary’s performance is continuously improving, its growth rate is in excess of the average of the European Union, and we may expect further significant expansion also during the remaining part of the year, for instance, on account of the performance of the automobile industry, housing construction projects and other projects under way. The Government is projecting a growth rate of around 4 per cent for this year.

Mr Lázár said that the rate of unemployment that currently stands at approximately 4 per cent is of the utmost significance as with this figure, Hungary has the fourth lowest unemployment rate in the EU, and the employment rate, too, is above the EU average.

The Minister further spoke about the reduction of the sovereign debt, indicating that, according to their calculations, the sovereign debt to GDP will fall below 70 per cent in 2019. If the sovereign debt decreases, the country has more independence and scope for manoeuvring, he stressed.

In this context, the politician took the view that it is a remarkable achievement that Hungary is in the majority not indebted to foreigners, but in actual fact the Hungarian people finance the debt of the State. He observed: the Government is now repaying the loans which the socialists took out between 2002 and 2010.

Mr Lázár also spoke about the pension premium payable to pensioners, regarding which he said: pensioners, too, must be given a share of Hungary’s success. He further mentioned that at the end of November the Hungarian Postal Service will begin preparations for delivering the Erzsébet vouchers worth 10 thousand forints per person which the 2.7 million pensioners are eligible for.

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Hungary to open new embassy in Oman

On rendering an account of the cabinet meetings, he said: they approved two defence procurements; discussed the development concepts of Semmelweis University; instructed the Ministry of Human Capacities to begin the planning of the reconstruction of the National Széchenyi Library, and also proposed a rise in the remuneration of state officials and civil servants taking part in the work of the election offices. He also informed the press that Hungary will open a new embassy in Oman.

Mr Lázár further covered the dispute between the Czech Republic and the EU regarding gun control. A lawsuit has been filed in the case in which Hungary is intervening on the side of the Czech Republic because according to the Hungarian position, the proposal of the European Commission concerning the tightening of the rules on the ownership of firearms and ammunition is unnecessary and disproportionate.

Mr Lázár also mentioned that he will have talks with Mayor of Budapest István Tarlós in the near future, while at the beginning of December he will have meetings in Brussels with respect to settlement and atomic energy issues and the infringement procedures in progress.

Government has nothing to do with MOL’s pricing policy

The Minister was questioned about the fact that András Tállai, Parliamentary State Secretary for Fiscal Affairs at the Ministry of National Economy stated on his Facebook account at the weekend that after he had talks with the competent representatives of the gas and oil company MOL, they reduced the prices of fuel in his constituency, in Mezőkövesd.

In response to this, he pointed out: the Government has nothing to do with MOL’s pricing policy. Mr Tállai merely drew attention to the fact that petrol was more expensive in Mezőkövesd than at petrol stations situated elsewhere in the country. “Quite a few fellow-Members of Parliament had this same idea recently”, the Minister added, remarking: if petrol prices are much higher in his constituency, in Hódmezővásárhely than say in Szeged, he, too, will ask the Hódmezővásárhely retailers operating filling stations why this is the case. In summary, he concluded that Mr Tállai did the right thing.

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Budapest to host China-Central Europe summit

Budapest will host a China-Central Europe summit on the extension of economic cooperation on 26 and 27 November which will also be attended by the Chinese Prime Minister, Mr Lázár informed the press.

The Minister stressed: the countries of the region are aspiring to enter into extensive economic relations with the Far East country that now accounts for an ever larger percentage of the world’s GDP.

The Minister said: in addition to trade policy, the parties are also seeking to cooperate in the field of development policy, and this is where the details of the Budapest-Belgrade railway line project, too, will be announced, the initial tenders of which will be invited at the end of the month as expected.

He also told the press: the leaders of the European Union will deal with the realm of work and the social aspects of work at a conference to be held in Gothenburg shortly which will be attended by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

According to Mr Lázár, the attendees of this summit may have to expect to find in the next couple of days that, in the Commission’s opinion, supporting migration should be the EU’s social pillar. Hungary will, however, never support this idea because we take the view that European workers must be supported instead, he said.

Hungary will also use the events of the Eastern Partnership to be held next week to induce the Ukrainian Government to come to reason regarding the protection of the rights of the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia, the Minister stressed at the press conference. He added: the minority rights that existed before the introduction of the Ukrainian language law must remain in force. As long as there is no promise for this, Hungary will take firm action on the matter at every international forum, he pointed out.

Mr Lázár took the view: the idea that the Department of State of the United States would support the Hungarian press in the provinces with a request for proposals qualifies as interference with the election campaign and is a strange move between allies. The Minister stressed: the Government approves of the fact that the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade summoned the US Deputy Chief of Mission in the case. We are baffled by this measure, he said, adding: it is unclear what the goal of the US State Department is, while there is excellent cooperation between the two countries in a number of areas.

In answer to a question regarding the credit drawdown related to the Paks project, the Minister said: Hungary has drawn a credit line that is equal to 80 per cent of the amount necessary for the settlement of ten invoices totalling 98 million euros. They will decide on the prepayment of this sum by the end of the year. Mr Lázár observed: at this point in time, it is worth making a prepayment because the credit line can be replaced with a more preferential facility.

Mr Lázár said in response to a question relating to the publication of data concerning corporation tax benefits: by virtue of some coincidence, decisions related to the corporation tax are referred one by one to the council of András Baka at the Curia (Supreme Court), who is very angry with the Government and Fidesz on account of the feelings of enormous resentment that stem from the change in his official position. He added: some interesting decisions are being adopted by the Curia in connection with the case. At the same time, he asked the question: will he also be required to render an account of the utilisation of the tax benefits available in respect of children?

The Minister remarked in answer to a question related to the case of the waste management company in Transylvania that has been transferred to Hungarian state ownership: the State will start developments with AVE Magyarország Kft. in order for the company to become the region’s largest waste management business in an environmentally friendly manner. It is a profitable enterprise, he remarked, adding: “the fact that a Hungarian company manages Hungarian waste on Hungarian soil is not such bad news”.