Hungary reaffirms her commitment to religious freedom and the protection of places of worship by joining the signatories of two statements of concern during the 2019 Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, D.C.

Hungary and 29 other nations signed the Statement on Respect for Religion or Belief which declares that the signatories recognize that religious communities of all traditions can be powerful, peaceful forces for good in the world. Therefore, all governments shall respect the individual’s human right to believe or not believe, to practice any faith tradition or none.

The Statement on Protecting Places of Worship was signed by 32 states, including Hungary. The signatories declare that they stand together in condemning the systematic, ongoing, and egregious abuse of religious freedom perpetrated by terrorist and extremist groups. They also reiterate their commitment to the prevention of violence against places of worship by countering intolerance and discrimination, and to continue to support religious groups and other communities that have been subjected to terrorist and extremist violence, and to move swiftly to hold perpetrators accountable for their crimes.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)