The central operational corps decided to direct buses to the Keleti Railway Station and the M1 motorway during the course of the night, and to offer the migrants staying there transport to the Hegyeshalom border crossing station, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced at his extraordinary press conference held on Friday evening in the Parliament Building, after the operational corps had a meeting upon the instruction of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán with regard to the migration situation. The central operational corps will continue to remain in session throughout the night.

The Minister pointed out: it is a primary criterion that transport in Hungary should not be paralysed in the next 24 hours. He requested migrants to avail themselves of the assistance offered by the Government in the interest of the maintenance of transport and the protection of human lives. At the same time, he also requested the assistance of civil society, including the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta.

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Mr Lázár further indicated that transportation by bus does not automatically mean that migrants may leave the country. They need the consent of Vienna to enter Austria, he said, adding that Hungary continues to attempt to register migrants, but “there is no registration at the expense of violence”. He remarked that, if necessary, the refugee camp in Vámosszabadi may provide care for the migrants concerned.

At the press conference, the press was informed that approximately a hundred buses will be available for the transportation of migrants to Hegyeshalom. The preparation of buses has begun, under the coordination of the coach company Volán, the Budapest Transport Centre (BKK), the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, the National Police Headquarters and the Ministry of Interior.

Mr Lázár told the press that the Hungarian Cabinet is awaiting the Austrian Government’s position regarding the conditions of exit and entry.

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He pointed out: the Hungarian Government has informed the Austrian Government of the situation, and the fact that 1,200 migrants are heading for Austria.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán initiated telephone communication with Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann several times in order for the Hungarian Cabinet to satisfy itself of the position of Austria. To this end, the Government also sent a diplomatic note to Vienna, but „we have not received a reply to the note", while the Chancellor informed Mr Orbán that he would be able to take his call at 9.00 in the morning on Saturday, Mr Lázár said.

He also said that Germany’s contradictory communication in the last week has greatly contributed to the intensification of the migration situation, and even at this point in time, there is no information as to the precise position Berlin takes on the issue.

Hungary has demonstrated its commitment to compliance with the Schengen Agreement, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office emphasised.

"The EU and quite a few EU Member States call us to account for solidarity, while no one is showing us any degree of solidarity, and we have not received help from anywhere", Mr Lázár said, adding that Hungary cannot wait either for the EU, or Germany or Austria to respond.

Chief Commissioner of the Police Károly Papp informed the press that 1,200 illegal migrants are currently walking on the M1 motorway, and another 300 on and next to railway main line No. 1. As a result, traffic on the latter had to be suspended. He further told the press that the 300 illegal migrants who decided to stay at the Bicske railway station eventually cooperated with the police in the evening, and accepted being accommodated at the Bicske open reception station.