Nine calls will be published at the beginning of October with a total allocation of HUF 120 billion (EUR 387 million) from EU development funds made available for the multi-annual planning period between 2014-2020, Nándor Csepreghy, Deputy State Secretary for Development Policy Communication at the Prime Minister’s Office announced at the Government Spokesperson’s press conference held on Thursday.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai

Government Spokesperson Éva Kurucz said that the invitation of proposals for the calls of the new planning period is about to begin; EU funds worth in excess of EUR 34 billion will be channelled to Hungary between 2014 and 2020. The grants per capita have never before been this high. “We have reached second position in Europe in terms of EU funds per capita”, she stressed.

Nándor Csepreghy reiterated that the effective utilisation of EU developments is crucial. An allocation of EUR 34 billion will be placed at Hungary’s disposal between 2014 and 2020, and the goal is to enable the country to embark on a path of growth that induces the production of high added value and employment.

(Prime Minister's Office)