The goal the Hungarian Government wishes to achieve is the removal of the mandatory resettlement quotas from the agenda in Brussels, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 66 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

The Government needs every Hungarian politician’s help in this struggle, Mr Lázár said who reiterated in this context that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán invited Hungarian opposition leaders to a meeting.

The Prime Minister had talks with Gyula Molnár, President of MSZP and Jobbik President Gábor Vona. They are also awaiting the leaders of LMP, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office said.

At the meeting held with Gyula Molnár, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán provided an overview of what may be expected at the European Council summit to be held in the second half of the week, and requested the support of the socialists during the course of the European political debates even if MSZP’s position has not changed regarding the amendment of the Constitution, and consequently, „no agreement has been reached”, Mr Lázár said.

The Minister takes the view, however, that the issue of constitutional identity is not a Fidesz affair but that of Hungary.

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Those who attended the quota referendum on 2 October did not do so on the basis of their party political conviction as far more people turned out to vote than the number of people who support the government parties, he added. It is necessary to reach a national consensus for the struggle fought for stopping mass migration, he stressed.

He also said that Hungary will represent the principle of flexible solidarity at the meeting of the European Council, and in the spirit of this, they would like the costs spent on the protection of the borders to be taken into consideration.

Regarding the national holiday at the weekend, the Minister asked everyone to pay tribute to the heroes of 1956 with a joint bow of the head. The Government invites every citizen of Hungary to a worthy commemoration, he said. In answer to a question, he added: ten years ago, at the 50th anniversary, MSZP and the Prime Minister in office at the time made commemoration in a manner that befits the occasion impossible.

Mr Lázár rejected criticisms regarding reports to the effect that the Government wishes to establish foundations once again. The Cabinet created the Habsburg Ottó Foundation because it would not have been appropriate to set up say „a Habsburg Ottó limited liability company”, he said, indicating: „this is why we decided (…) as an exception to set up a state foundation”.

In response to the claim that economist János Kornai branded the current regime in Hungary as an autocracy, the Minister said that there is democracy in Hungary, and finds the set of criteria that János Kornai set arbitrary. A Government which calls a referendum on an important social issue cannot be called anti-democratic, he said.

Mr Lázár told the press: the reason why they are not holding the press conference Governmentinfo on Thursday as usual is that he will have talks in Brussels on Wednesday regarding EU funds and the enlargement of the Paks nuclear power station, and on the following day he will have meetings in Frankfurt with German economic players.

Conditions of spending public funds to be rendered more stringent

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office will submit a proposal for rendering the spending of public funds more stringent. Mr Lázár said: this measure will be followed by efforts to enhance the transparency of the system operated for the assessment of proposals, and as expected, he will present his proposal this week.

He indicated that he will travel to Brussels on Wednesday in the hope, inter alia, that the so-called asphalt case may finally be brought to a conclusion, and instead of the expected fine of HUF 120-150 billion, the country „may get away with” a fine of HUF 45-50 billion which will be available for drawing later on. This could mean the closure of an unpleasant affair that has been ongoing for three years, he said in evaluation, adding: the Government attempts to reach a negotiation-based solution in every instance.

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The Minister also reported: there is a dispute over the fact that the EU takes the view that Hungary wants to draw the available funds too quickly. He is, however, of the position that this is necessary in the interest of reforming the economy and helping with the integration of the region. Mr Lázár further indicated that the Government engaged KPMG to prepare a study on the utilisation of EU funds between 2007 and 2014. He told the press that the Government will hold a special meeting by 15 November to evaluate the performance and competitiveness of the State.

In answer to a question, the Minister also pointed out: there is no guarantee at all that the country will have access to EU funds in the same magnitude beyond 2020, and the grant system, too, may undergo major changes. Every player must prepare for this, and must use the allocation that is currently available well, he said, adding: if this does not help boost competitiveness, he „does not know what will”. Sooner of later, the Hungarian economy will have to stand on its own two feet, and „must demonstrate its ability to exist and operate as a separate entity, without a life support machine”, he said. „The world in which we supplement the missing income with EU funds – whether it is a university instructor’s salary, or an entrepreneur’s profit – is coming to an end”, he stressed.

In answer to another question, he pointed out: they are not planning any changes in proprietary issues because he is convinced that they have accomplished all that was necessary in the interest of the operation of the State. By contrast, it is worth considering the fact that there is pay pressure in the economy, and as full employment is about to be reached, it will induce pay rises in the next few years. This is why the Government must consider the plans of the Ministry for National Economy related to the reduction of work-related contributions, the Minister explained.

Mr Lázár was also asked about the contemplated staff reductions in the public sector. He told the press that this is an ongoing process on account of the reorganisation of the support institutions. According to his reasoning, the percentage of state workers is the highest in Hungary in the entire EU, and due to the shortage of labour in the economy, this excess work force „can now be channelled over” to market employment without any problem. He added: this does not involve the laying off of health care workers and teachers.

He was further queried about the fact that Mátyás Eörsi, who is currently active in the political party DK, is turning down the Government’s nomination to the post of Secretary General of the Community of Democracies. He said: they will not shed tears on account of the fact that „he is turning down the nomination he requested himself”, he was the one who was „lobbying”, seeking the Government’s support. Regarding the absence of the Members of Parliament for DK from Parliament and the remuneration of their experts, he said: this is a question to be settled not for the Government, but for the House. He remarked: if this is how the party wishes to protest, let it do so. Even to date their parliamentary work has been barely perceptible.

The Minister did not wish to comment on the news that Zoltán Spéder quit FHB and resigned his post as Chair. All he said was that he has a good personal relationship with Zoltán Spéder. „I sincerely hope that he will be better off for it”, he remarked.

In answer to a further question regarding Good Friday being declared a bank holiday, he said: the Government has not yet decided, the topic is currently on the table of the Minister for National Economy, and they will consider the issue at the next government meeting.

It is disconcerting that the majority look upon Kádár as a benefactor

János Lázár, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office finds it disconcerting that twenty-six years after the change of regime, those who consider János Kádár, the one-time Secretary General of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (MSZMP) a common murderer are in a small minority.

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The Minister was asked about this at the press conference Governmentinfo held on Tuesday in the context of the fact that he said in answer to a question in Parliament the day before: there are many in Hungary today who see János Kádár and his oeuvre as something that is to the country’s glory.

Mr Lázár repeated: the view – which he himself shares – that János Kádár was a common murderer who is rivalled by few as regards the amount of harm he did Hungary is still in the minority in the country. Regrettably, the majority still think of him as a kind of benefactor which is a grave problem, and amounts to the falsification of history, he said.

Mr Lázár also drew attention to the fact that János Kádár has been in the „top 3” most popular and best-known historical figures ever since the 1990s, and the light in which he is perceived is improving, rather than deteriorating. Therefore, in his view, the next two years will have to be used under any circumstances for „clearly stating the hard, cold facts”.

The Government has a responsibility to warn society about the falsification of history and the „relativisation of crimes” that has taken place also in the past 30 years, the Minister said. He pointed out: János Kádár’s crimes – the same as the crimes of the Nazis – can never expire.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)