Documents of the European Commission confirm that Hungary takes on a disproportionate share of the challenges of migration, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference "Government Info 12. What does the Government do and why?" held jointly with András Giró-Szász, State Secretary for Government Communications.

By Mr Lázár’s account, the EU itself perceives the situation in Hungary as among the gravest, and finds it comparable with the situation in Germany, Italy, France and Spain in respect of a number of indicators. The Minister pointed out that one of the most important tasks is to make the Council of Europe understand at its meeting to be held at the end of June: Hungary is unable to cope with the mass of illegal migrants, and this is why the Government engaged in a consultation with members of the public and sought legislative assistance.

DownloadPhoto: Károly ÁRVAI/Prime Minister's Office

The Minister also highlighted that Austria and Germany intend to deport some 15 thousand individuals, while the capacity of the Hungarian reception stations is only suitable for providing temporary accommodation for a few thousand people.

Mr Lázár pointed out: Hungary has complied with all asylum conventions in the past 25 years, and this will continue to remain the case. It is a common interest, however, that no one should be allowed to abuse the refugee status. He referred to the UN’s planned campaign as strange, given that no one has a problem with political refugees: it is the illegal border-crossers that create problems.

Benefits of state leaders to be reduced, maximum pay provided for the executives of state-owned companies to be reviewed

In the context of the planned changes concerning state leaders, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office told the press: fewer individuals will be eligible for the benefits of state secretaries and deputy state secretaries. As part of this, only ministers and state secretaries will be eligible for priority health care services in the future. State leaders to be appointed in the future will no longer be eligible for housing maintenance, and eligibility for housing will be scrutinised more stringently. If applicants are found eligible, they may use service properties. Eligibility for the use of the government holiday homes will be done away with, and holiday homes, including the one in Balatonőszöd will be sold, the Minister listed the contemplated measures.

Travel benefits will also be reviewed, the various commissioners and heads of government offices will only be eligible for lower-category vehicles, and new regulations will be introduced regarding the categories of air travel state leaders will be entitled to, Mr Lázár told members of the press, and added that by virtue of these measures, the Government is expecting to make savings in the magnitude of a hundred million forints annually.

DownloadPhoto: Károly ÁRVAI/Prime Minister's Office

Additionally, the Government will review the maximum pay of two million forints applicable to the executives of state-owned companies in order to determine whether this ceiling represents any competitive disadvantage and whether there is any correlation between the pay of executives and the efficiency of the given company, the Minister said, and remarked that they will hear László Domokos, President of the State Audit Office, who has prepared a report on the matter.

Background report to be prepared regarding attainment of ministerial targets

In answer to a question concerning the evaluation of the Government’s work, the Minister pointed out: at the request of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister’s Office will compile a background report on the attainment of the targets of each ministry, and the Prime Minister will then consult his Ministers. Relevant personnel decisions will be made following this procedure. Parallel with this, the Government will also conduct a content evaluation based on the recent OECD report and the study of the Public Service University regarding the quality of the operation of the State.

In answer to a question about whether there will be any organisational changes at the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr Lázár said that the statuses of some deputy state secretaries are expected to be terminated.

Proposal to be drafted regarding medical faculties, law faculties will not find themselves in awkward position

A government proposal will be drafted, in consultation with the relevant stakeholders, in order to clarify the situation of medical universities, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at his press conference on Thursday where he pointed out, in the context of other issues regarding higher education, that the Government does not wish to put law faculties into an awkward position.

Regarding the government proposal on medical faculties, the Minister said: a number of advocates believe, including himself, that the operation of independent medical universities would enhance the country’s competitiveness and the standard of health care services.

DownloadPhoto: Károly ÁRVAI/Prime Minister's Office

Mr Lázár pointed out in connection with political science training planned to be launched at the National Public Service University that this does not mean that law faculties would not be allowed to provide training in political science. However, the Government takes the opposition of the deans of law faculties seriously, and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán therefore instructed Justice Minister László Trócsányi and András Patyi, Rector of the Public Service University to engage in consultations with the deans concerned. The Government does not intend to put the training of lawyers into an awkward position, Mr Lázár clarified.

The Prime Minister requested urgent information on Gripen accidents

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán requested the Defence Minister to supply urgent information on the Gripen accidents, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said. He told the press that the report will be heard at the Wednesday cabinet meeting.

Mr Lázár highlighted that Major Sándor Kádár successfully implemented a dangerous manoeuvre in compliance with all relevant service instructions, and as far as the Government is concerned, the most important aspect of the case is that his condition is stable. The idea of terminating the service of Gripens has not emerged, Mr Lázár pointed out.

Affairs of National Roma Self-Government must be clarified

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office urged the investigation of the affairs of the National Roma Self-Government (ORÖ) related to fiscal fraud.

János Lázár told members of the press: if the individuals concerned embezzled funds, they must be subjected to legal consequences, while if they lied, they are required to take on the ensuing political responsibility. At the same time, the individuals who instituted the investigation with the police must also accept responsibility if they attempted to potentially defame the organisation (ORÖ) or Flórián Farkas and thereby caused the Roma community to sustain losses by virtue of having frustrated useful social programmes on the basis of unfounded presumptions.

The Minister said it is a dangerous affair if anyone attempts to shake the faith of the public in one of the most sensitive social issues, namely social inclusion.

Munkácsy painting declared protected in the interest of the country

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office told the press that the Munkácsy painting entitled Calvary, which is owned by US citizen Imre Pákh, has been declared protected “at an unexpected speed” in the interest of the country, even if the procedure itself was not the fairest.

Mr Lázár stressed: as a result of the painting having been declared protected – a measure that meets with the fullest agreement of the museum profession – the painting cannot be removed from Hungary. He added that it takes many long years for international courts to assess this matter.

"We would have liked to convince Mr Pákh with this amicable measure that it is worth coming to an agreement with the Hungarian State under any circumstances”, the Minister said. He added: „we shall not let ourselves be blackmailed”; there is no scope for the Hungarian State to pay a sum for works of art which departs from the international standards.

British American Tobacco and Tabán Trafik Zrt. to supply tobacco shops

British American Tobacco and Tabán Trafik Zrt. will be responsible for supplying tobacco retailers as of 1 November, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced.

Mr Lázár told the press that the two companies have submitted a joint offer for the fulfilment of the relevant wholesale responsibilities as of 24 December 2014. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán authorised the Minister for National Development to conclude the agreement against the payment of a HUF 600 million concession fee.

Following the conclusion of the agreement, the Ministry for National Development will disclose all documents to the public, including the tender documents.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)