Hungary will not take back migrants who arrived in the European Union via Greece, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office stated on Wednesday in Makó.

János Lázár said before an audience of some one hundred and fifty at a street forum organised as part of the referendum campaign: Hungary’s position is clear, we can only take back those migrants from Western-Europe who first entered the territory of the EU here.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Zoltán Kelemen/MTI

The Member of Parliament for the region pointed out that the tens of thousands of people whom Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Norway want to send back to Hungary did not first enter the territory of the EU here. He stressed that it would be unfair and unjust if, instead of the rich Scandinavian countries, Hungary had to provide for these people.

The five Scandinavian countries effectively filed proceedings against Hungary in Brussels. The European Commission may institute an infringement procedure, or may even impose a fine on Hungary. However, the Government is ready to go to court in the case, Mr Lázár informed his audience.

The question of the referendum is whether we should open our borders. On 2 October the people may decide for many long decades to come whom we should live together with in our country, the Minister said. He stressed: taking part in the referendum is important so that we may prove to Brussels that this is not the issue of a party, but a national consensus and unity has been reached with respect to saying no to the mandatory resettlement scheme.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Zoltán Kelemen/MTI

The politician said that those who campaign for not attending the referendum effective say a „sneaky” yes. Personally, he therefore appreciates those far more who stand up before the people and tell them that, in their view, we need immigrants.

At the same time, he pointed out that it is not immigration that will make Hungary more competitive. There are a number of regions around the country where there are still a great many jobless people, and we must first create job opportunities for the people living in those regions, he added.