Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács takes the view that it is an elementary interest of the European Union and Hungary to relay the Government’s message to those who are already on their way as, based on the relevant statistics, the vast majority of them prove to be mere economic migrants and could not expect to be granted asylum.

The Government Spokesperson said on the M1 current affairs news channel on Friday morning that the EU has no transparent system for controlling the process; everyone is free to enter the EU “at their pleasure”, while the current “modern-day mass migration” has unforeseeable consequences.

János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Thursday that the Government will decide on launching a campaign in the migration transit countries on Tuesday. This campaign will seek to break the organised human trafficking routes leading from Hungary to the West. The Minister pointed out that the Government intends to make it clear as part of the campaign that it is not worth heading towards Hungary as the relevant regulations have been changed, and a border fence is being built.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)