Immigration will be the main issue of the April parliamentary elections, namely whether Hungary will become an immigrant country or will remain Hungarian, said the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office, Fidesz’s candidate for Member of Parliament in the Hódmezővásárhely constituency on Kossuth Radio’s programme Sunday Paper (Vasárnapi újság).

“Everyone has to realise what is at stake in the April elections”, János Lázár said, adding that the elections will decide whether George Soros or the Hungarian people who do not want immigration will form a government.

He said, despite any mistakes they may have committed, in the past eight years they have worked to strengthen the country’s independence, while others seek to weaken the country, the nation and the community “from the money of various background powers and various powerful people”.

Mr Lázár also highlighted that today there are two types of politician in Hungary: pro-immigration and anti-immigration. He belongs to the latter group, and if he is elected he will fight for his country’s sovereignty and independence.

He said it is important that Fidesz candidates should meet with the people on the ground in the next few weeks and convince them that they are capable of defending the country. In Mr Lázár’s view, as part of this they can safely argue that they were the ones who had the fence built without the support of a single opposition party, and they were the ones who stopped immigration, while opposition Members of Parliament “were lying low”, and many of them were evidently funded, directly or indirectly, by George Soros who is planning to abolish nation states.

He highlighted what is also at stake in the spring elections is whether people will place their trust in politicians who, based on their performance and hard work, are able to make the country a better place, or in those “who just talk”.

Representatives and the background personnel of Hungarian opposition parties keep flooding the European Union with accusations levelled at their own country because they hope that “those who stand against us there, or those who were in the employ of the Gyurcsány government and are now in the employ of the European Commission in Brussels” will institute procedures against Hungary, he said. 

Regarding corruption, the Minister observed that corruption is likely to be much less rife in a city or country which is doing well, has money and produces economic growth than in a place where there is no money for pension and pay rises.

He stressed between 2002 and 2010 corruption was evidently rife as the coffers were empty, and there was no money because it had been embezzled. “Today there is money in the coffers because we do not steal it. It is that simple”, he said, adding that this is how Hungary can afford pay and pension rises and developments.

Mr Lázár said state assets had never since the fall of communism reached their present magnitude: since 2010 state assets worth HUF 3,000 to 4,000 billion have been bought back.

The Fidesz politician expressed hope that there will be more cooperation than fight in the work of the Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely. At the same time, he remarked that the new city leader is trying to attack them and hinder their work, while they would like to cooperate. He also pointed out it is quite telling as regards Péter Márki-Zay’s independence that he has appointed an MSZP deputy.

Mr Lázár underlined that, in addition to democracy and freedom, Fidesz’s credo also extends to the maintenance of fair conditions. This is why they provide assistance in cases where the judiciary has been unable to serve justice. He mentioned as an example the financial support offered to the some five hundred contractors who had been wronged in the Szeviép case.