We are interested in establishing a system, which strictly regulates economic immigration – government spokesperson Zoltán Kovács underlined.

He pointed out that when discussing the question of immigration policy in relation with the Paris terror attacks, the Hungarian government engages in a legitimate debate that has been going on for a number of years, as countries affected by the terror actions of recent years have all voiced their opinions on the issue. Zoltán Kovács pointed out that it is an obligation for all responsible political forces to talk about unresolved problems.

The terror attack of 9/11 in the USA and the change of immigration tendencies of the last years forces Europe to take measures – the spokesperson explained. Over the last 10-15 years Hungary has represented a consequent standpoint in the matter: we have never supported the idea of solving demographic problems with immigration.

Immigration policy must be transformed with a view to the whole of Europe, we need a new framework and new regulations. Hungary is interested in establishing a system which strictly regulates economic immigration – he said.

(Prime Minister's Office)