Dr Csaba Latorcai attended the 2016 event of the International March of the Living in Poland.

The Deputy State Secretary for Priority Social Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office delivered a speech at the commemoration of the Hungarian section of the March of the Living at barrack No. 18 of the Auschwitz concentration camp. He especially welcomed the large number of students who came from Hungary, and stressed that the Holocaust is one of the greatest tragedies of not only the Jewish community in Hungary, but of the history of the whole of Hungarian society.

We must keep its memory alive so that future generations may not commit the same atrocities, in the light of the past, which have happened once before. Our tribute and commemoration are acts that we perform in the interest of the future. It is a decision in favour of life. As part of this decision, we refurbish synagogues throughout the country and the Carpathian Basin, and leave a heritage behind for the generations to follow by renovating abandoned Jewish burial sites.

This is the strategy of the Government of Hungary which we are able to implement by uniting our efforts, Mr Latorcai added. The March of the Living is an affirmation of life. An affirmation of solidarity, cooperation, unity, and tolerance for one another.

(Prime Minister's Office)