The issue of migration continues to influence the policy and operation of the European Union, the debate continues to focus on immigration, Szabolcs Takács, Minister of State for EU Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office stated on Tuesday in Brussels.

After the meeting of the European affairs ministers of EU Member States, talking to Hungarian journalists the Minister of State stressed that the European Commission attempts to create the impression in vain that the migration crisis has come to an end; whether explicitly or implicitly, the topic of migration is on the agenda of every EU meeting.

One of the Commission’s pro-immigration documents which has recently been released to the public itself indicates that the EU continues to maintain that rather than stopping migration, it should be managed. It shows that the Commission continues to have a vested interest in creating legal pathways to enable masses to migrate to Europe, he said.

“Hungary is unable to support the idea that we should promote the integration of immigrants from the common EU financial framework instead of taking into consideration the interests and security of the European people,” he said.

He further highlighted that by significantly cutting agricultural grants, the EU would take money away from the poorer regions, and at the end of the day, from the European people. Hungary shares the view that the EU’s common budget can only finance goals on which there is a consensus among the Member States. Hungary continues to maintain that trouble should not be brought to Europe, but help should be taken to the regions which qualify as the countries of origin of migration. Any relevant substantial funds should only be used for protecting the borders of the Member States and for a mechanism which stops migration, he underlined.

Regarding the upcoming cessation of Britain’s EU membership, he pointed out that Hungary’s most important governmental goal had been achieved: we managed to protect our citizens’ rights both for the event of a soft Brexit and a Brexit without an agreement.

In the context of the United Kingdom, the Hungarian government is able to support all constructive proposals which permit a later exit for Britain resulting in an agreement. As regards the future, close trade and economic cooperation with Britain and guaranteeing Europe’s security are common interests, he said.

The Minister of State said concerning the functioning of the EU’s internal market that Hungary believes that we need a sincere dialogue regarding the functioning of the single market as several Western European Member States support an approach which only takes the enforcement of their own economic interests into consideration. Hungary and the Central European region are unable to support this as economic and social integration backed by the cohesion policy is a value which enhances the competitiveness of the entire European Union, he underlined.

Mr Takács also said that as regards the European parliamentary (EP) elections due to be held at the end of May, Hungary has a vested interest in anti-immigration political forces obtaining a majority as these are the forces that focus on the EU’s core values and security.