Based on the Government’s decision, János Lázár will file a report with the prosecution services regarding the case of metro line 4 with reference to the report of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced at the press conference Governmentinfo 76 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

Mr Lázár said that the European Court of Auditors filed a report with OLAF with respect to the project implemented from EU funding worth HUF 452.5 billion. OLAF closed its investigation last year, concluding that several crimes may have been committed within the framework of the project. He said that his report to be filed with the prosecution service will contain OLAF’s findings and claims. He told the press that the total of the invoices, in the case of which acts of fraud, embezzlement, corruption, abuses, irregularities and theft may have occurred, amounts to almost HUF 170 billion. In the Minister’s view, we may have in this instance „an international left-wing crime” in light of the fact that investigations are ongoing in the case in Denmark, France, Britain and Austria. He said: it transpires from OLAF’s report that the public procurement legislation was breached in the case of almost every major public procurement element, and the contracts for the performance of the construction works were concluded through obvious fraud.

In Mr Lázár’s view, there was one project manager whose duty it was to implement the calls for proposals on behalf and for the benefit of the metropolitan municipality, but he additionally also accepted engagements from the applicant.

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He added: according to OLAF, crimes were committed in the case of 58 contracts. While this was one of the largest projects in the country, there was no general contractor. In the European Commission’s evaluation, this may have caused Budapest and the EU a loss of some HUF 65 billion, he said.

As expected, Hungary will have to pay a fine of HUF 76.5 billion, this is how much „the performance of the former socialist-liberal city leadership at the head of Budapest” will cost, he added. Mr Lázár said: he believes that OLAF will disclose the report to the public in accordance with the EU’s procedural regulations. The Government did not proceed in the capacity of contracting authority, it was not the Government that conducted the investigation, the Government was merely informed, he said in answer to a question regarding the publication of the report.

In answer to the question as to why the report does not name the individuals chiefly responsible for the project, the Minister said that the OLAF report makes mention of contracts, and contains, in the majority of cases, the initials of the signatories to the contracts. In answer to another question as to where former Mayor of Budapest Gábor Demszky, and his former deputies, Csaba Horváth, János Atkári or, for that matter, Miklós Hagyó may stand in the rankings of responsibility, the politician said „in places number one, two and three”. In the context of accountability, he indicated that OLAF’s report contains the names of a number of companies, for instance, „Siemens is very much in the lead”.

Regarding metro line 3 – with reference to MSZP’s demonstration planned for Friday – he said: those are demonstrating for the refurbishment of metro line 3 who “robbed Budapest dry”. „MSZP is hungry. Do they think that they will now have the possibility to carry out the same all-out theft that was organised in the capital between 2002 and 2010 in connection with metro line 4?”, he asked the question.

The Minister said: in the context of the refurbishment of metro line 3, the capital enjoys the Government’s full support. The Government is ready to provide some HUF 138 billion from EU grants for the implementation of the project. In agreement with Mayor of Budapest István Tarlós, he believes that the works may begin in the summer.

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Russian President to visit Budapest on 2 February

Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay a visit to Budapest on 2 February, Mr Lázár announced. The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said: in the interest of making the necessary preparations for the visit, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó will travel to Moscow next week.

According to the Minister’s information, this is a usual annual meeting when the members of the Governments of the two countries review the latest social-political and economic issues. It will be an important meeting, but there is nothing extraordinary about it, given that the Hungarian and Russian Governments have met once annually on a regular basis in recent years, he said.

2017 will be an important year in foreign policy relations

In Mr Lázár’s evaluation, 2017 will be an important year in foreign policy relations, and not only on account of the entry into office of the new US President and Brexit. The Hungarian Government takes the view that, instead of multilateral cooperation, an era of bilateral cooperation schemes will set in. In other words, instead of international cooperation, there will be more intensive bilateral cooperation between nations, he explained.

It is in our best interest, he continued, that we enter into „fair” bilateral agreements both with the United States of America and with Britain. He added: the departure of the Brits from the European Union must be conducted in a fashion that is mutually beneficial for Europe and the British people. The parties must find mutual advantages.

He stressed that the Hungarian Government will also have to take a stance that serves to safeguard the interests of the Hungarians working in Britain.

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We must prepare for the eventuality that the Turks are unable to honour their obligations

Mr Lázár also spoke about the latest issues concerning illegal immigration. He mentioned as the most important task that we must prepare for the eventuality that Turkey should not be able to honour its obligations undertaken with respect to migration, and as a result, another flow of immigration should set out. The Minister said: the Government is reckoning with the deterioration of the migration situation this year, and therefore Hungary must be prepared for protecting the borders of the country and the European Union also regardless of Turkey. He said that „while the shifts organised by György Soros provide a great deal of assistance for immigrants”, on the whole the situation depends on whether or not migrants are allowed through the borders of Turkey.

In this context, the Minister said it is a significant development that more than 500 border guards took their oaths in Hungary last week, and he further reported that the Ministry of Interior „is working with all its might” on reinstating immigration detention. He justified the latter with the risks inherent in the European security situation.

In his personal view, the installation of a second, interior fence will be absolutely essential during the period to come.

Upon speaking about US businessman of Hungarian origin György Soros, he also said in answer to a question that the intelligence services prepared a document regarding the influencing attempts of György Soros’s organisations and other similar organisations, in particular, concerning the countries of Central-Europe. This was presented to Parliament’s National Security Committee, and the fate of the report depends on the decision of the Committee, he said. „György Soros himself calls himself Viktor Orbán’s opposition, and he announces to the US press on a regular basis that he is engaged in a campaign with a view to altering the internal political scene in Hungary. This is something that must be duly evaluated in the National Security Committee”, he said.

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Europe must have its own defence capabilities

Mr Lázár was asked about the statement made by Donald Trump, who will be inaugurated on Friday, claiming that NATO is „dated”, in the context of which the plan for a European defence system without the Americans has emerged. The head of the Prime Minister’s Office said in reply: the Hungarian position is that Europe must have its own defence capabilities. Therefore, the Hungarian Government is ready to support proposals which serve the creation of independent defence capabilities, he said, stressing at the same time that „it is early days to bury NATO just yet”.

In connection with this, he also said that the Hungarian Defence Forces are „some of Central-Europe’s, and perhaps Europe’s weakest defence forces”, and therefore the Government will discuss the development concept of the Hungarian Defence Forces in February. This will state how many soldiers and what kinds of military force developments will be required. He also promised that defence expenditures will be increased. He made it clear at the same time that the reinstatement of conscription continues to remain off the agenda.

In answer to a question, he said that Hungary will be represented by its Ambassador to Washington at Donald Trump’s Friday inauguration.