“The success of the Job Protection Action Plan launched in 2013 is indicated by the fact that it has led to the employment of over 890,000 people, including 150,000 young people, the Government Spokesperson said on Thursday at a press conference held at Jász-Plasztik Limited in Jászberény.

One and a half years ago, the Government decided to facilitate the employment of disadvantaged job-seekers by providing tax incentives to employers. The Job Protection Action plan helps prospective employees who are at a disadvantage on the job market in view of their circumstances and/or age, including first time job-seekers under the age of 25, mothers with young children, the long-term unemployed, people with low education and people over 55 who are approaching retirement.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár

Éva Kurucz also pointed out that 1500 employees out of the 3000 people who work at Jász-Plasztik Ltd. owe their jobs to the Job Protection Action plan, including 338 young people who are now working for the first time.
The employment of young job-seekers is a problem throughout Europe, with an unemployment rate of 53-54 percent among young people in Greece and Spain. Hungary’s indices are also improving markedly within this area in view of the fact that some 150,000 young people have successfully found jobs as a result of the Job Protection Action plan, the Government Spokesperson said, adding that in Hungary more and more people are making a living from work instead of from benefits thanks to the Job Protection Action plan.

According to recently published data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the unemployment rate in Hungary has fallen to below 8 percent, which means that the largest reduction in the number of unemployed people during the past year within the European Union has occurred in Hungary.

(Prime Minister's Office)