In order to protect Hungary, we must stop migration, we must support Hungarian families, and we must reinforce Christian identity, Zsolt Semjén stated at the closing event of the country tour which accompanied the national consultation.

Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén said: at the national consultation, the Hungarian nation stood up for common sense, the instinct of life and self-defence. He pointed out: the most dangerous thing about migration is that it cannot be undone.

Regarding the taking in of migrants, he said that the Christian response to this is the teaching about our everyday duties. He highlighted: one’s primary responsibility is for one’s family, then for one’s friends and relatives, next for the nation, and finally for humanity.

„I wouldn’t be a Christian, but a lunatic if I were to put in 20 homeless people in my bathroom and kitchen, next to my wife, my mother and my three children”, he said.

According to Mr Semjén, what the Hungarian Government is doing is precisely what Christian teaching is about: Hungary provides far more help for people in trouble in their native land than the much richer western countries.

In the context of the reinforcement of families, he said: we must pursue a family policy which allows Hungarian children to grow up in Hungarian families and in Hungarian culture. In his view, there is no other government that has done as much for families as the one in office today.

The Deputy Prime Minister said regarding the reinforcement of Christian identity that Hungary’s Fundamental Law which stresses the importance of Christian values and sets the heritage of St. Stephen as a model for the nation does a great deal for „spiritual reinforcement”.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)