Szabolcs Takács, Minister of State for EU Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office had talks with Nathalie Loiseau, French Minister for European Affairs on 12 October 2017.

At the meeting the parties reviewed the most important issues that are relevant to our countries: migration, the Western Balkans enlargement, French President Emmanuel Macron’s speech about the future of the EU, the Posted Workers Directive and digitisation.

In the context of the migration crisis, the parties agreed that, with regard to the long-term nature of the challenge, the EU must take urgent and effective action in the external dimension of migration, in the transit countries and the countries of origin, thereby also supporting Italy which is at present the Member State most exposed to the pressure of migration coming via the Central-Mediterranean route. On the part of Hungary, we highlighted that, instead of the debate on solidarity and responsibility, we should concentrate more on specific action, and this is why we welcomed the migration mini-summit convened by the French President in Paris. Another important topic of the meeting was the Western Balkans enlargement of the EU and the region’s prospects in the European Union. Mr Takács highlighted that it would contribute to the stability and security of the EU if Serbia and Montenegro – which manifested a clear European commitment in the context of the migration crisis – lying between the Schengen Area members Greece and Hungary were admitted to the EU within the foreseeable future. We are convinced that the accession of these two countries would promote the integration of the entire region.

Regarding the future of Europe and Emmanuel Macron’s speech delivered at Sorbonne University, the French Minister stressed: the President did not wish to outline the future of a two-speed Europe, but presented some French ideas which would lead to an effective European Union. There was agreement that in such a European Union which seeks to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness, we must get rid of the perception of East and West, the division between old and new Member States. Both the French and Hungarian parties welcomed the launch of the first station of an intensified common European defence policy, the Permanent Structured Cooperation. At the same time, the purpose of keeping digitisation on the agenda is to make Europe more competitive and to enable it to keep track with its global competitors.

In the context of the review of the Posted Workers Directive, Nathalie Loiseau acknowledged and appreciated the efforts Hungary is making as part of its V4 Presidency as well as its constructive approach. The Hungarian party argued that the wage differences that exist between the Member States cannot be regarded as „social dumping”. Mr Takács pointed out: in the interest of reaching a compromise, the V4 refined its position on a number of issues, in return for which we ask France to make similar concessions. Hungary takes the view that a balanced agreement must be reached which is acceptable for all the Member States in order to avoid the development of further fault lines within the European Union.

(Prime Minister’s Office)