The Minister of State for Helping Persecuted Christians and the Implementation of the Hungary Helps Programme at the Prime Minister’s Office paid a visit to the French capital in order to gain new partners for the Hungarian efforts made in the interest of promoting freedom of religion.

Minister of State Tristan Azbej was received by Advisor for Religious Affairs in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Christophe Peaucelle in his office. At the meeting, Mr Azbej introduced the Hungary Helps Programme to his French partner, highlighting that its tenet is to take help where it is needed, instead of bringing problems here. As part of the talks, the parties also spoke about the need for the global protection of freedom of religion and the possibility of a joint educational programme in the Middle East.

In addition to the meeting with a government official, Mr Azbej also had talks with the heads of Christian aid organisations, including Benjamin Blanchard, Director General of SOS Chrétiens d’Orient, Pascal Gollnisch, Director General of L’Oeuvre, and Jean Maher, co-founder of Coordination des Chrétiens d’Orient en Danger (CHREDO). They spoke about the possibility of cooperation schemes aimed at humanitarian and volunteer programmes which seek to help communities in trouble.

In conclusion of his visit to Paris, Mr Azbej visited Notre Dame Cathedral which burnt down in April 2019.