The nation is common remembrance about the past, and a plan for the future, while survival is our most important mission, Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the remembrance event of the 12th district of Budapest on Friday.

If we want to survive and preserve our communities, faith, culture and way of life, we must create national foundations on the most important issues, the politician said.

“This is our common native land here, we must build our homes in it, we must create our communities in it, we must find advancement in it, and should fate take such a turn we must be able to defend it,” Mr Gulyás said.

He added that as long as we are able to remember the truths of 1848 together, we will be able to find the common ground that is essential for the survival of the Hungarian nation.

Mr Gulyás highlighted that if the members of a nation are able to do things for one another, if they are able to make even the gravest sacrifice, then they can turn the course of history around.

Therefore, the cause of Hungarian freedom did not end either at Világos or in Arad, he stated.