Whether – according to long-standing traditions – Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will deliver a ceremonial speech on 23 October depends on international events; more specifically, on the development of the Brexit process, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief said on Thursday in response to the enquiry of the Hungarian news agency MTI.

It is uncertain yet, at this point in time, whether due to the Brexit process it will be necessary to hold another EU summit before the end of October, and if so, which day it will be convened for. If he is not required to represent Hungary at an EU summit in Brussels on 23 October, Mr Orbán will naturally deliver a ceremonial speech, Mr Havasi said, adding that since Thursday morning the Prime Minister has attended talks in Brussels where today and tomorrow the European Council, comprised of EU heads of state and government, is holding a two-day meeting. Brexit will be one of the main topics of the meeting.