“The current Government is the only credible political force in Hungary today that stands up in defence of Jewish communities and takes action against anti-Semitism”, Minister of State Szabolcs Takács from the Prime Minister’s Office declared in Bratislava at an Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) conference.

Although – primarily verbal – incidents still also occur in Central Europe, these are hugely overshadowed by the increasingly regular Western European anti-Jewish atrocities that are inseparable from Islamic migration”, Mr. Takács emphasised.

“Already in 2015 as Chair of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, I saw an increase in anti-Semitic sentiment because of the increase in fundamentalist immigrants, to which, in Europe the encouragement of radical left-wing political forces is often accomplice”, he highlighted. In his speech, the Minister of State quoted Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, who during his visit to Europe said: “There are still anti-Semitic movements. Se of these are traditional anti-Semitism, but some are a new mix of anarchist, left-wing anti-Semitism, which goes hand-in-hand with radical Islam”.

“Unfortunately, Hungary can also not be regarded as an exception when it comes to the new trend of alliances between the pro-immigration Left and anti-Semitic political forces”, Mr. Takács said. “The pro-immigration Hungarian left-wing liberal Left has recently entered into cooperation with a party that is full of anti-Semitic and Nazi thoughts and politicians, the Chairman of which demanded that a list be compiled of Jewish MPs, and anther leader of which recently boasted about punching a Jewish woman in the face”, he added.

“In contrast, the Hungarian Government views the peaceful coexistence of Jews and Christians in Hungary as a value that must particularly be protected, has issued a policy of zero tolerance with relation to anti-Semitism, has introduced Holocaust Remembrance Day, and has introduced several pieces of legislation to take action against all forms of anti-Semitism”, he declared.

“The statement adopted by EU heads of state and government on 21 December of last year at the initiative of the Hungarian Prime Minister specifically calls for the protection of Jewish communities and institutions, and the Hungarian Government is providing over 500 million forints (EUR 1.6 million) in funding each year to support the Action and Protection League established to monitor European anti-Semitism”, Mr. Takács pointed out.

“In Hungary, the Jewish community can live in absolute safety and can always count on the support and protection of the Government”, the Minister of State said in closing.

(Prime Minister’s Office)