„No further buses will be transporting migrants from the Keleti Station to the Austrian border”, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács told Hungarian news agency MTI at the border crossing station of Hegyeshalom on the Austrian border early Saturday morning. „No such plan exists”, he said.

Mr. Kovács stressed that the goal of the Government’s Friday decision to transport migrants to the border by bus had been to alleviate the emergency situation, meaning it was a one-off measure. No further migrants will be transported from the Station or from receiving stations, he said.

On Friday night, more than 90 buses left Budapest transporting migrants to Hegyeshalom; one third of them are still on route. The busses are being allowed to enter the border station in groups of four. According to Hungarian news agency MTI, there is currently a 20km tailback at the border in view of the fact that the Austrian authorities have closed the Vienna-bound side of the M1 motorway.