Though a number of EU Member States intend to send migrants back to Hungary, no one can be sent back here. People must be sent back to Greece, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 51 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office stated at his press conference held on Thursday: a variety of Member States intend to send some 52,000 people back to Hungary, most of them from Germany. Hungary, however, informed all of its partners that these people arrived in Hungary via Greece, and even if they were not registered there, it does not mean that they should be sent back to Hungary, he said.

Mr Lázár raised the question: how is it possible that the EU comes to an agreement with Turkey and regards it as a safe country, unlike Greece? This is not a tenable position, he said.

DownloadThough a number of EU Member States intend to send migrants back to Hungary, no one can be sent back here. Photo: Károly Árvai/

In answer to a question, he said: if someone registers here, rather than in Greece, it does not mean that they entered the territory of the EU here. The Hungarian authorities request everyone arriving in the country to state where they first entered the territory of the EU, and it can therefore be factually proved that no one first entered the territory of the EU in Hungary. Consequently, Hungary refuses anyone to be sent back here, he said.

The Minister highlighted: it is unfair to accuse Hungary of not helping as we have already taken in 300 political refugees this year. People who have proved to be genuine political refugees on the basis of the proceedings conducted by the State. Less than ten per cent of those arriving at the Hungarian border claim to have come from Syria, he remarked.

Referendum is about most important decision of past 25 years

Mr Lázár told the press: the Government has been informed that its referendum initiative was contested by a private individual before the Constitutional Court, but „this is hardly news”. There was a time limit of fifteen days for contacting the Constitutional Court with respect to the referendum, and the Constitutional Court now has thirty days to decide. As a result, the referendum which will rule on the most important decision of the past 25 years may be held in September, he remarked.

There are fundamentally two positions regarding migration in Hungary. The Government and Fidesz take the view that no immigration is required. If immigration in some form is required, it can only take place within controlled and regulated boundaries. At the same time, the left is of the opinion that Europe needs immigration, immigrants should be freely let in and distributed among the countries, he explained. The Minister said: Hungary appreciates the difficulties of certain countries, but if Hungary were in need of work force, it would rather encourage young people to have children in the largest possible numbers and would recommend the same to Europe as well. Should this solution prove to be insufficient for Hungary, it could invite workers to Hungary from the former Hungarian territories, he added.

The Minister also mentioned: a municipality can adopt a decision that does not allow a reception centre to be opened within its limits as a public administration unit, but has no right or possibility to open reception centres without the permission of the State as it is the State that determines who may reside in the territory of Hungary.

DownloadThe left is of the opinion that Europe needs immigration. Photo: Károly Árvai/

Hungary has vested interest in good Hungarian-US relations

Mr Lázár was asked a number of questions due to comments originating from government circles regarding the American businessman of Hungarian origin, György Soros. In his answers, he reiterated former US President Bill Clinton’s remark criticising Hungary which, in his view, „serves as an excellent opportunity” for „everyone to see the role played by György Soros in Hungary or Central-Europe with full clarity”.

He stressed: Hungary has a vested interest in good Hungarian-American relations as befitting two allies, „however, it was not us who tried to gnaw at the ankles of America (…), but an important American figure, President Clinton sought to punch Hungary in the nose”, which cannot be left unanswered.

DownloadHungary has a vested interest in good Hungarian-American relations as befitting two allies. Photo: Károly Árvai/

Regarding György Soros, the Minister said: the businessman designated Hungary as a country which stands in the way of immigration which will, in his view, help Europe. Mr Soros identified himself as the direct opposition of Viktor Orbán’s government, he added.

At the press conference Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács was queried about the Soros scholarship he had received earlier. He said in reply: he did not receive a single scholarship grant with a clause as to the political views he would be required to hold thenceforth. In his opinion, his former life as an ordinary citizen has nothing to do with the political activities he has been engaged in since 2010.

Mr Lázár said regarding the topic: he asked Prime Minister Viktor Orbán – who himself received a Soros scholarship as a student – about this issue. The Prime Minister told him in reply – and he quoted his answer – that if this is a problem and György Soros needs the money, each and every Fidesz politician and government actor will repay their scholarship grants.

EU procedure due to segregation is absurd; major debate expected on land issue

János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office regards the infringement procedure instituted against Hungary due to the segregation of Roma children in schools as absurd. Regarding the land issue, on which the European Commission’s procedure has entered a new phase, the Minister expects a major debate, nothing short of a „war”.

Speaking about the segregation-related procedure, Mr Lázár said in answer to a question: the procedure is absurd because the Hungarian State does not keep records of any child’s origin.

„I have no idea how the European Commission knows which child is Roma and which child is not” as it is forbidden to keep such records under the laws of Hungary, he added. He remarked that the Brussels procedure has been instituted on the basis of a report filed by Hungarian organisations.

He indicated: they are ready to engage in a discussion with the European Commission as to how to give children the best possible chance to integrate. To this end, the Brussels body must first familiarise itself with the programmes currently underway in Hungary which have been declared exemplary in the EU, the Minister said.

DownloadThe EU procedure due to segregation is absurd because the Hungarian State does not keep records of any child’s origin. Photo: Károly Árvai/

He further reiterated that Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog made efforts to clarify the situation in person in Brussels last week.

„At this point in time, we do not understand what the European Commission’s specific problem is”, Mr Lázár said.

Regarding the land issue, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office said: the Hungarian and the Brussels positions are far apart because the Hungarian legislature – in contrast to the European Commission’s view – decided that foreigners and business associations are not allowed to buy land in Hungary. On this issue, there will be major debates, nothing short of a “war”, he said.

HUF 787 billion allocated to pay rise in public sector

The Minister told the press that the principal topic of the Wednesday cabinet meeting was the bill regarding next year’s budget which will fundamentally concern the life of every Hungarian family as it may contribute to a rise in living standards and increased earnings.

He said: they will allocate HUF 787 billion to the pay rise of public sector workers next year, and this measure will concern some one million people. They are implementing a pay rise in excess of the growth rate of the Hungarian economy, he highlighted, however, they are required to make up for a long-postponed pay rise measure in the public sector.

DownloadHUF 787 billion will be allocated to pay rises in the public sector. Photo: Károly Árvai/

Total pay rises in the public sector has amounted to HUF 561 billion in 2016: HUF 284 billion will be allocated to the pay rise of teachers, and HUF 143 billion to the pay rise of law enforcement workers. In 2017 they will allocate HUF 343 billion to the pay rise of teachers, HUF 161 billion to that of law enforcement workers, HUF 148.8 billion to increasing the earnings of health care workers, an excess of HUF 42 billion will go to civil servants, and HUF 27 billion will be allocated to increasing the pay of the employees of the tax authority. The items including the pay rises of court workers and social workers will also amount to HUF 30 billion, he said.

Mr Lázár also told the press: in 2017 the revenues of the budget will cover the excess expenditures necessary for operations. Without the development expenditures, the budget would have a surplus. With the development expenditures, the balance is zero, but in the best interests of the country, it is necessary to spend on developments, he pointed out.

Government requested Mihály Varga to review cash conversion of cafeteria benefits

The Government requested Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga to review in the next few days options for the conversion into cash of cafeteria benefits, Mr Lázár told the press.

According to plans, cafeteria benefits worth HUF 450,000 in the private sector would be altered in such a way that HUF 100,000 would be converted into cash, and HUF 350,000 would be transferred to so-called SZÉP Cards. In the public sector HUF 100,000 would be paid in cash, and HUF 100,000 would be transferred to SZÉP Cards. Mr Varga is required to look into this option now, Mr Lázár said.

DownloadThe Government requested Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga to review in the next few days options for the conversion into cash of cafeteria benefits. Photo: Károly Árvai/

Mr Lázár also told the press: in 2017 the revenues of the budget will cover the excess expenditures necessary for operations. Without the development expenditures, the budget would have a surplus. With the development expenditures, the balance is zero, but in the best interests of the country, it is necessary to spend on developments, he pointed out.

Mr Lázár reiterated: the Government inherited a state of economic bankruptcy after 2010, but thanks to the efficiency of legislation, the support of the electorate and good luck, it avoided having to file for bankruptcy after the socialist governments. Stepping out of this dark era and in the wake of the transformation of the country and the renewal of the economy, the Government was first able to spend HUF 44 billion on pay rises in 2012, and wages have been increasing ever since, he said.

Number of people in employment is steadily growing

At the government meeting Mihály Varga informed the Cabinet of the latest economic data, he continued. He took the view that the most important data item is that the number of people in employment is steadily growing, and at present there are 4.3 million people in employment, almost 600,000 more than in 2010. At the same time, unemployment is below 6 per cent. He also drew attention to the low inflation rate and the low central bank prime rate, in addition to the country’s decreasing sovereign debt.

The head of the Prime Minister’s Office told the press: the Government also discussed the growth figures – the Hungarian GDP data in the first quarter was poorer than expected – and „we are planning to take measures in the next few months”. Decisions may be adopted as early as on Monday with a view to further accelerating the absorption of EU funds and enhanced access. There were no „crisis meetings” of any kind regarding the matter as the economy grew. Mr Lázár refuted press reports to the contrary effect, adding: the Government continues to expect to see a growth rate in excess of 3 per cent this year.

DownloadThe number of people in employment is steadily growing, and at present there are 4.3 million people in employment. Photo: Károly Árvai/

Mr Lázár said in response to the decision of the credit rating institution Fitch Ratings to upgrade Hungary: the news in itself did not exactly throw the Government into a feverish state of excitement, which bore the downgrading of the country with the same reserve. The Cabinet indicated already at the time that the renewal of the Hungarian economy takes time, he reiterated.

The Minister further reported at the press conference that the Hungarian Development Bank will launch a programme for subsidising the energy upgrading projects of homes in private ownership.

The Government will next meet on Monday, and next Friday after that. At these meetings they will review the situation of the dairy industry as well: they will explore how the contemplated VAT reduction in the dairy sector will affect producers with whom they intend to consult. They will additionally also review the school milk programme.

A decision may be adopted regarding the fate of metropolitan railway stations next Friday after the Government requested further impact studies.

Concerning the enlargement of the Paks atomic power station, Mr Lázár confirmed that he will have talks with European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager on Friday in Brussels in the hope that progress may be made in the Brussels authorisation procedure. At the same time, the Minister expects that the European Commission will insist that Paks II cannot form part of MVM Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt. because the Commission will not consent to the monopolistic situation of MVM with respect to the future.

Upon talking about the Russian inter-state loan provided for the purposes of the Paks enlargement, he remarked that Hungary has the right to make early repayments and to take out a replacement loan. The question is whether terms better than those attached to the Russian facility can be achieved. It may be worth looking into this option after an upgrade, he said.

The Minister was also queried about the Counter-Terrorism Information and Criminal Analysis Centre. He said in his reply: there is a debate within Fidesz as to how this organisation could be made even more effective, but there is no „personal power discourse” involved.

Mr Lázár further informed the press that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will pay a visit to Egypt next week.

The Minister was also asked about the case of the underfed girl of eighteen months who died in Gyöngyös. He said: according to his information, criminal charges are expected to be pressed due to endangerment, and they are additionally planning a statutory review as well.