Hungary is standing at the gate of greatness, but can only become a great, strong and growing country once again in unity, with cooperation and courage, and with the suspension of petty party disputes, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said on Wednesday in Hódmezővásárhely.

János Lázár highlighted at the ceremony held on the occasion of the 169th anniversary of the 1848-49 revolution and freedom fight: entire parties, assemblies of politicians and their operations are based on the foundations of denial, rejection, saying no to and preventing everything. „This is now beginning to reach alarming levels”, he said.

„But what is beyond the no’s? Nothing? Yesterday’s pettiness? A country cannot be built on no’s”, he stated.

„It takes real courage to dare to say yes”, the Member of Parliament for the constituency said, adding: „the Hungarians never needed real courage to defeat outside enemies, only to face themselves”. He highlighted: the Hungarians could always accomplish great feats when they united their forces, when they did not concentrate on what divides them, but on what connects them together. „This is valid also today”, he said.

According to Mr Lázár, it is enough if „we love Hungary for the duration of one cause or another more than we hate one another’s parties”. As he said, it is not yet too late: we must jointly use our energy to conquer the challenges and to take action.

At the end of his speech, the Minister wished those attending the ceremony held at Kossuth tér more courage and patriotism, and „more Hungary”.

Mayor István Almási (Fidesz-KDNP) spoke about „a challenge on a global scale” on which the States of Europe are unable to take a uniform stance. He said: „Europe has lost direction”, and ceased to be faithful to the founding principles. Hungary – as it did 169 years ago – can now set an example to the „awakening Europe” once again, he stated.

Karol Biernacki, Poland’s Honorary Consul spoke about the close friendship that exists between the two nations, and their shared historical path in his speech delivered in Hungarian. He said: „commitment is invaluable today when Europe is in such a poor state”.