The Paks Social Council held a meeting today with the participation of the area’s 41 mayors and MPs, Minister of Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár and Mayor of Paks János Süli, who are the body’s co-chairs, as well as the CEOs of MVM Paks Zrt. and the National Infrastructure Development Zrt. Tamás Bán and Róbert Nagy.

At the meeting, Mr. Lázár explained that everything regarding the Paks II project is moving forward according to the preliminary schedule and stressed that the European Union is not arguing the fact that Paks needs new blocks, since maintaining nuclear capacity is part of EU energy policy. The Hungarian Government has an issue of a trade policy nature with Brussels, but this is neither endangering nor delaying the realisation of the Paks II project. The fact that the development project will be viable under market conditions is also backed up by international financial analysts.

The Minister also spoke about the fact that the Government’s strategic goals include having as many Hungarian enterprises as possible involved in the realisation of the project and ensuring that a safely operating nuclear power station is constructed that provides long-term cheap electricity to both households and industry. At the meeting, Mayor János Süli said that the region’s settlements have received funding according to expectations thanks to the cooperation that has come about within the framework of the Social Council, with which they have realised several successful development projects in addition to supporting non-governmental organisations and sports associations.

Minister Lázár stressed that after having provided over 750 million forints (EUR 2.38M) in funding to the region last year, the Government will be making available a budget of at least HUF 1 billion (EUR 3.17M) in 2016, adding that he is awaiting settlements’ plans and proposals for the efficient use of funding. At the meeting of the Social Council, CEO of National Infrastructure Development Zrt. Róbert Nagy provided details regarding plans for a new bridge on the Danube in the vicinity of Kalocsa, Bács-Kiskun County.

(Prime Minister's Office)